Supported projects

Since its creation in 2004, the Foundation has helped more than 1,500 projects and carried out nearly 200 skills missions.

Environment & Biodiversity
Prefigure a coalition to bring together 1,000 representatives and 1 billion of the planet's inhabitants affected by rising sea levels.
Environment & Biodiversity
Tara Polar Station: studying the Arctic, sentinel of the climate
Humanitarian & Development
Support for the NGO's operations to combat water scarcity and safety training for staff during operations.
Environment & Biodiversity
An operation to raise public awareness of biodiversity by creating a work of plant and human art near the Place de l'Etoile.
Humanitarian & Development
Supplying drinking water and renovating public toilets in Nepalese villages.
Humanitarian & Development
Promoting environmentally-friendly farming practices in Senegal through a women's economic interest group.
Social & Employment
Regional development of a network of speech and eloquence training courses for prisoners.
Environment & Biodiversity
Explore the links between human societies and aquatic environments along the Saône and Rhône rivers.
Social & Employment
Support for the ActiviTeil employment company in the commune of Le Teil, Ardèche, as part of the Territoires Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée (TZCLD) integration program.
Social & Employment
Support for the Espacea employment company in the Pontchateau area, Loire-Atlantique, as part of the Territoires Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée (TZCLD) program.
Social & Employment
Support for the Acsomur employment company in the Ménimur area of Vannes, as part of the Territoires Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée (TZCLD) integration program.
Social & Employment
Support for the Nouvelle Equation employment company in Joinville, Champagne, as part of the Territoires Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée (TZCLD) integration program.
Social & Employment
Support for Emile et Rosa, an employment company operating in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, as part of the Territoires Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée (TZCLD) scheme.
Occasional support for an association for young people in difficulty based in Marseille.
Social & Employment
Supporting SMEs and VSEs on their path towards inclusive enterprise.
Social & Employment
Support for the Bouffémont Attainville Moisselles area, a candidate for the Territoires Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée (TZCLD) integration scheme.
Humanitarian & Development
Purchase of child hygiene equipment for displaced populations in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Construction of a drinking water supply system and five boreholes in villages around Ouéléni (Burkina Faso).
Humanitarian & Development
Infrastructure to supply water to four schools and a health facility on Rusinga Island on Lake Victoria (Kenya).
Humanitarian & Development
Composting toilets to solve sanitation problems and facilitate access to agricultural fertilizers.
Ivory Coast
Environment & Biodiversity
Programme to protect the Mé River in Côte d'Ivoire.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creation of a thrift shop in Paris dedicated to sportswear and accessories.
Social & Employment
Support for the Val d'Emploi employment company in Livron (Drôme) as part of the Territoires Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée (TZCLD) scheme.
Environment & Biodiversity
Restoration of wetlands in communal areas.
Social & Employment
Development of integration activities around the circular economy of materials.
Social & Employment
Creation of an edible forest in the Parc Maugrand, a mining park in the heart of Montceau-les-Mines.
Humanitarian & Development
Support for the Cercle Action internationale, an advocacy forum for foundations with international commitments.
Social & Employment
Creation of micro-entrepreneurship training centers in India and Indonesia.
Social & Employment
Deployment of an economic and professional integration program: Zero long-term unemployment districts
Costa Rica
Environment & Biodiversity
Development of a plastic waste recycling workshop in Costa Rica
Humanitarian & Development
Support for the online magazine "Défis humanitaires".
Environment & Biodiversity
A think tank to mobilize and convince people about the oceans
Humanitarian & Development
Experiments and research on sustainable aquaponics with women's MSEs in Senegal. Ar Jeeguen program.
Environment & Biodiversity
Setting up a recycling centre (collection, sale, recovery) dedicated to building and public works materials in the Vannes area.
Environment & Biodiversity
Setting up a local circular economy loop for bio-waste in a district of Angers.
Environment & Biodiversity
Mission Bougainville: to set up the first innovative campaign to collect data on all the world's seas and oceans.
Environment & Biodiversity
TREC expedition: for a new understanding of coastal ecosystems
Humanitarian & Development
Support for the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) working group in the context of crises and fragility.
Humanitarian & Development
Chemical analysis of latrine sludge from a camp in Lebanon to assess the performance of bioadditives.
Humanitarian & Development
Access to water programme in Mali and the Sahelian "three borders" zone: Niger, Burkina Faso and Mauritania
Vatican City
Humanitarian & Development
Technical support for a programme to provide access to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in hospitals.
Social & Employment
Conversion of a van into a mobile laundry to reach out to isolated people in the Rennes metropolitan area.
Humanitarian & Development
Rehabilitation and construction of water infrastructure in the village of Agolèdji (Benin).
Environment & Biodiversity
Creation of a waste collection, destruction and recycling plant in Nepal.
Social & Employment
Support for the integration programme of an association for the defence and protection of donkeys.
Social & Employment
Support for the "Enjoué" employment company in Villeurbanne (Rhône) as part of the Territoire Zéro Chômeur Longue Durée (TZCLD) scheme.
Environment & Biodiversity
Scientific evaluation of alkalinisation as a solution to combat ocean acidification.
Environment & Biodiversity
Preservation of the marine area of the National Nature Reserve of Saint-Martin (French West Indies).
DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa)
Humanitarian & Development
Support for the renewal of the Multi-Sectoral Strategic Plan for the Elimination of Cholera (PMSEC) in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa)
Humanitarian & Development
Scientific support for the implementation of a Strategic Multi-Sectoral Cholera Elimination Programme (PMSEC) in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Humanitarian & Development
Strategic research and innovation partnership with the NGO Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)/Doctors Without Borders (DWB).
Humanitarian & Development
Construction of a borehole and a drinking water supply system in a peripheral district of Bamako.
Social & Employment
Development of an integration project based on the “Premières Heures” Scheme.
Humanitarian & Development
Renovation of water infrastructure in Bouanze (Mauritania).
Humanitarian & Development
Renovation of the Oasis of Gabès (southern Tunisia): sanitation component.
Social & Employment
Converting a bus to provide a mobile bicycle repair and riding school service.
Humanitarian & Development
Installation of a membrane treatment unit to desalinate water and reduce its fluorine content.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creation of a World Coral Conservatory.
Environment & Biodiversity
Develop a “One Sustainable Health” approach.
Environment & Biodiversity
Recycling and refurbishing used hearing aids.
Humanitarian & Development
Put the skills of AgroParisTech students at the service of Ecuadorian micro-entrepreneurs.
Social & Employment
Development of a cheese cooperative in Tunisia for the benefit of women in a rural village.
Environment & Biodiversity
Study on the melting of alpine glaciers, the diversity of its consequences and increasing awareness of the impacts of this melting on ecosystems and populations.
Environment & Biodiversity
Improve protection of mangroves in French overseas territories and coordinate an observation and action network.
Humanitarian & Development
A future family centre at Hôpital Laquintinie in Douala (Cameroon).
Humanitarian & Development
Study water access systems in healthcare facilities in some African countries.
Humanitarian & Development
Support for the WHO regional office in Africa to improve water quality in healthcare facilities and hospital hygiene.
Environment & Biodiversity
Expedition to gain a better understanding of the functioning of the microbiome and study its vulnerability to climate change.
Environment & Biodiversity
Partnership with the Foundation of the Académie de Médecine on research into chemical pollutants in the environment.
Ivory Coast
Environment & Biodiversity
Raising student awareness of waste sorting in Togo and Côte d'Ivoire.
Social & Employment
Creation of a Cité du Réemploi in Alsace.
Social & Employment
A water recuperation system for the Combe des Mineurs community garden.
Social & Employment
Développement de fablabs, ambulants et fixes, pour des quartiers démunis.
Social & Employment
Support for a resource centre in the Aube region to replace specific machines.
Social & Employment
Support for waste collectors in South India.
Humanitarian & Development
Health and humanitarian assistance program to combat Covid-19 in the Bangangté region of Cameroon.
Humanitarian & Development
Relocation of the village of Dhye in Nepal, affected by climate change, to a new, more viable site.
Humanitarian & Development
Research/innovation programs focusing on energy management and developing renewable energies on several of the Foundation's operations and equipment.
Social & Employment
Creation of a cookery school for registered refugees.
Environment & Biodiversity
Promoting local use of wood from the Forêt de Soignes (Belgium).
Environment & Biodiversity
Setting up a food waste collection and local compost recovery system.
Environment & Biodiversity
Developing an educational pathway for children on the theme of environmental jobs in the Rhône-Alpes region.
Environment & Biodiversity
Waste sorting optimisation solution for blocks of flats.
Social & Employment
Support for social entrepreneurship for vulnerable populations in rural areas of Morocco.
Humanitarian & Development
Creation of a library to promote children’s education in Vo Koutime.
Humanitarian & Development
Developing and producing self-contained mobile hygiene units for homeless people and migrants.
Humanitarian & Development
Co-building a Mooc on waterborne infectious diseases.
Humanitarian & Development
Providing water in rural areas for 47 villages in Cameroon.
Humanitarian & Development
Waste management support in the community of Atar, Mauritania.
Environment & Biodiversity
Study the risks linked to climate change for coastal towns.
Humanitarian & Development
Collecting and recycling hotel soaps to redistribute them to people in need.
Social & Employment
Introduction of joint tutoring by teachers and company employees to help bright students from disadvantaged neighbourhoods prepare for higher education.
Social & Employment
Mapping the locations of useful resources for the most disadvantaged people and organizing access to this information.
Social & Employment
Takeover of a social integration enterprise in Rennes.
Social & Employment
Development of a wood workshop by a work experience structure in the Lyon area.
Social & Employment
Support for young people from disadvantaged high schools to improve access to scientific studies.
Social & Employment
Setting up a sewing workshop to help trafficked women find employment.
Social & Employment
Creation and development of an urban community farm in Seine-Saint-Denis.
Humanitarian & Development
Two wells built and a water awareness programme in Bluefields, Nicaragua.
Humanitarian & Development
Renovation of a second house to reintegrate the most disadvantaged people back into society.
Humanitarian & Development
A water management support system for the Angkor region.
Environment & Biodiversity
In Indre-et-Loire, the association "Pour vos Yeux" commissions urban artists to decorate water towers and uses them to raise good water management awareness.
Environment & Biodiversity
Inventories of threatened animal and plant habitats and ecosystems in France.
Environment & Biodiversity
Mangrove reforestation program in Senegal.
Humanitarian & Development
Design and manufacture of a comprehensive plastic waste recycling and reuse solution.
Environment & Biodiversity
Expedition to sample microplastics in the Mediterranean Sea.
Humanitarian & Development
Agroforestry and awareness-raising about collective eco-responsible behaviour in Peru.
Environment & Biodiversity
Solution for the recovery of organic waste in an urban environment
Environment & Biodiversity
Study of the populations of freshwater molluscs, intermediate hosts of the parasite that causes bilharzia, in the Ferlo region (Senegal).
Social & Employment
Creation of La Cassette, a third place dedicated to training and producing radio programs and podcasts in Aubervilliers.
Social & Employment
Training to enter the job market in the Brazilian favela of Vila Prudente in Sao Paulo.
Humanitarian & Development
Construction and running of a nursery school in a disadvantaged industrial area.
Environment & Biodiversity
Scientific assessment of microplastic pollution along the South Brittany coast, combined with an educational mission aimed at local stakeholders.
Environment & Biodiversity
A new Tara expedition to go back to the origins of plastic pollution in Europe.
South Africa
Social & Employment
Creation of a third place in Durban (South Africa) based on the circular economy.
Social & Employment
System for integrating people with disabilities into the world of business.
Humanitarian & Development
Water supply for the village of Akamasoa (Madagascar) in particular for a solidarity hotel project.
Humanitarian & Development
Installation of a water pumping and treatment system from the Gambia River to supply drinking water to the village of Saal.
Humanitarian & Development
Installation of biodigesters in the Thiès region of Senegal.
Environment & Biodiversity
Setting up a market garden-school for young people who have dropped out of school.
Social & Employment
Creation of a fishing pontoon suitable for people with reduced mobility and an educational space for learning about biodiversity.
Environment & Biodiversity
Study of biodiversity and pollution in the deep coralligenous zone
Environment & Biodiversity
Identifying the effects of microplastics and nanoplastics on biodiversity.
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Improving access to drinking water and community structure in the Galgouli (Burkina Faso).
Humanitarian & Development
Creation of a platform to gather expertise around environmental health.
Humanitarian & Development
Improve drinking water supply in the Diagane Barka district (Fatick region).
DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa)
Humanitarian & Development
Research on the epidemiology of cholera in Africa
Social & Employment
Strengthen the economic and social fabric by supporting the creation of businesses by disadvantaged groups and by supporting isolated entrepreneurs.
Social & Employment
Innovative, interactive, and professional training in computer science for vulnerable groups alienated from employment.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creation of an educational tool to educate the general public and schoolchildren about ocean pollution by plastics and microplastics.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creation of a Ocean Academy in the Philippines to raise awareness of coral reef protection and sustainable economic development.
Environment & Biodiversity
Collaborative media taking stock of the climate year from one COP to another.
Social & Employment
Creation of resource centres in Ardèche and Drôme.
Environment & Biodiversity
Obtain European funding to work on supporting marine biodiversity with sufficient human, technical and financial resources over a meaningful period of time.
Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville)
Humanitarian & Development
Renovating a gravity drinking water supply system in the district of Kombé (Madibu, Congo).
Humanitarian & Development
Creating a mini-network of five standpipes and setting up a management committee in a rural area of Kendié (Dogon region in Mali).
Social & Employment
Creating an affordable furniture service aimed at people moving into their first home following time in insecure housing.
Social & Employment
Step up the production of vermicompost in order to make good use of vegetable garden waste and increase the amount of work being done by a back-to-work scheme.
Humanitarian & Development
Programme to increase the quality of life of people in the Philippines by improving environmental health.
Humanitarian & Development
Setting up a “Water and Healthcare” centre in Baringo County in Kenya
Social & Employment
An innovative educational method to integrate and educate young people from troubled neighbourhoods in the Toulon area.
Social & Employment
Setting up training for plumbers-pipelayers and field-based customer service staff.
Social & Employment
The organisation runs summer camps for Roma and non-Roma children in the most disadvantaged regions of Hungary.
Environment & Biodiversity
A back-to-work social enterprise makes good use of green waste.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creation of a participative urban farm, a solidarity kitchen and a recycling workshop: Le Talus.
Social & Employment
A free student furniture collection service is born.
Environment & Biodiversity
Studying plastic pollution and raising public awareness.
Environment & Biodiversity
Designing and building a prototype sustainable urban aquaculture farm
Social & Employment
Overhaul of a management training program for small entrepreneurs in developing countries.
Social & Employment
Creation of a Wood workshop at Emmaus Défi.
Social & Employment
Creation of ecological and socially sustainable delivery and collection services for retailers in Bordeaux city-center.
Social & Employment
Creation of a community café focused on the social and professional inclusion of the most deprived.
DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa)
Humanitarian & Development
Implementation of an epidemiological monitoring tool to monitor the response to cholera in real time.
Humanitarian & Development
Re-establishment of the drinking water supply system for the village of Séro, in western Mali.
Humanitarian & Development
Benchmark of studies on the impact of micro-organisms in reducing fecal sludge in latrines in emergency situations carried out by humanitarian stakeholders.
Environment & Biodiversity
Development of educational activities on the protection of reptiles in the Var.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creation of educational workshops on the theme of water.
Environment & Biodiversity
Development of a solution for the collection, storage, and recycling of cigarette butts via a connected unit
Humanitarian & Development
Improving water supply in Sénou (a district of Bamako in Mali)
Humanitarian & Development
Raising environmental awareness and helping women through a dedicated centre in Niamey (Niger).
Environment & Biodiversity
Decontaminating the beaches of Lake Sevan in Armenia, in order to protect its ecosystem and its value for the tourist industry.
Social & Employment
Developing a processing chain that transforms low-quality local Madagascan alcohol into denatured medical alcohol that is both useful and good for the economy.
Social & Employment
Purchasing a van to transport work scheme employees to its green space maintenance sites in Cap Sizun
Social & Employment
Computer programming, driving socio-professional integration in Vietnam
Humanitarian & Development
In Bafoussam, a major town in northwest Cameroon, the children attending the French-speaking Centre Culturel Victor Hugo don’t have drinking water. A borehole has been dug and a water supply system put in place by an Ardèche-based association, Asomocam.
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Developing a mosquito repellent soap to fight malaria
Environment & Biodiversity
By making articles by academics and researchers available, The Conversation aims to disseminate knowledge more effectively: its reviews of topical issues are taken up by the traditional media. A section dedicated to the circular economy is being developed with the support of the Veolia Foundation.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creation of an innovative method of raising environmental awareness among neurodiverse children, particularly children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and training for teaching staff.
Humanitarian & Development
Forum organised by Ahimsa Fund on the theme of health for all
Social & Employment
Creation of a social biscuit factory giving homeless people a path back to work.
Humanitarian & Development
Increase sterilization capacity of medical instruments at two major health centers in Nikki, Benin, by installing solar-powered autoclaves.
Social & Employment
Create a traveling "food market" in Paris run by refugee and immigrant cooks.
Social & Employment
Promote the emancipation of Togolese women by supporting the development of income-generating economic activities.
Humanitarian & Development
Build a drinking water supply network in a district of Tacloban in The Philippines which was devastated by typhoon Yolanda in 2013.
Social & Employment
Support for a reception centre in Belgium for people with mental disabilities, focusing on environment related educational activities.
Social & Employment
Educational programme designed to stop students dropping out of education and delivered by volunteer company employees
Social & Employment
Helping the most socially-excluded people with the donation boxes scheme
Environment & Biodiversity
A pilot initiative to better understand new forms of water contamination, characterize them, and assess the effectiveness of tertiary treatment on their elimination.
Environment & Biodiversity
Office furniture upcycling and recycling job creation
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Boosting the capabilities of septic tank manual cleaners in Ouagadougou
Humanitarian & Development
Experimenting with a new decentralized electrification model: nano grids.
Humanitarian & Development
Building a water conveyance to supply 1,000 residents in a Madagascan village with drinking water.
Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville)
Humanitarian & Development
Rehabilitating water infrastructures in a school to improve the health of pupils and teachers.
Humanitarian & Development
A medical centre self-sufficient in water
Humanitarian & Development
Creating an information bank about initiatives towards decentralised electrification in rural and suburban areas
Environment & Biodiversity
Intergenerational events for discussions about “Chantiers Nature”
United States
Environment & Biodiversity
Designing an approach to raise awareness about plastic waste pollution in Mississippi waters
Social & Employment
Back-to-work scheme employees create gardens on the roofs of warehouses in Aubervilliers.
Social & Employment
Create jobs in disadvantaged neighborhoods with high unemployment.
Skills Sponsorship
Supplying water after a new natural disaster.
Humanitarian & Development
Veolia’s end-of-life-cycle computer equipment gets recycled by back-to-work employees and is donated to charities.
Social & Employment
Innovative professional training for unemployed young people (18-25) in the 19th arrondissement of Paris with plans to open a sustainable space.
Social & Employment
A 2,000m² vegetable garden on a roof in Aubervilliers maintained by back-to-work employees.
Environment & Biodiversity
Bolster the Ocean Solutions Initiative partnership with the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation in order to make a contribution to an upcoming IPCC report.
Environment & Biodiversity
Call for projects to tackle plastic pollution in the Mediterranean
Humanitarian & Development
Building toilets for the 500 pupils attending a primary school in the State of Karnataka.
Social & Employment
Acquiring a folding/drying press to sustain the laundry business at a Parisian company specialized in job integration through business.
Social & Employment
Creating an “accorderie” (service exchange network) in Pontcharra, Isère.
Humanitarian & Development
Installing water pumps and renovating existing wells to improve water supply for local people and livestock and the irrigation of farmland.
Environment & Biodiversity
Support for the planning of a third location dedicated to eco-responsibility.
Skills Sponsorship
Assessment of Bardarash IDP Camp, in the Kurdistan Region of Iraqi.
Environment & Biodiversity
Stabilizing a riverbank in the Var.
Skills Sponsorship
Producing drinking water after the earthquake.
Humanitarian & Development
Extending a health centre in the village of Segbé in Southern Togo.
Environment & Biodiversity
The first web and mobile socially-responsible crowd recycling app.
Environment & Biodiversity
Domestic anti-arsenic sand filter project.
Humanitarian & Development
Using renewable energy to help supply electricity in remote areas of Cameroon.
Humanitarian & Development
Reducing the adverse health and environmental impact of working in the informal solid waste recycling sector in Manila
Humanitarian & Development
Renewable energy electrification project in Cameroon
Environment & Biodiversity
Experimenting and studying a vast operation to revitalize the African Sahel: the “Great Green Wall”
Humanitarian & Development
Solar powered water supply system and knowledge transfer.
Humanitarian & Development
Integrated program to strengthen the population’s resilience to climate
Humanitarian & Development
Drinking water supplies in Koumi and Nerekoro (Mali).
Social & Employment
Learning music to remove social and cultural obstacles
Social & Employment
Creating and running an inclusive neighbourhood concierge service.
Environment & Biodiversity
Better understand the evolution of coral reefs to climate change and ecological disruption.
Social & Employment
Allow the spin of a network integration companies facing recycling.
DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa)
Creating an educational workshop equipped with electric sewing machines operating on solar energy
Humanitarian & Development
Creating a waste management service and conducting a feasibility study for a drinking water conveyance system.
Environment & Biodiversity
Extension and lay-out of an educational, social eco-garden within the Parc de la Villette, open to the general public and people with disabilities.
Social & Employment
Using built heritage renovation to get people back to work.
Environment & Biodiversity
Keynote presentations in France’s pavilion at Expo 2015 in Milan.
Social & Employment
Structure the VoisinMalin network’s management body. VoisinMalin is a social enterprise which fosters and maintains social ties in working-class areas.
Social & Employment
Organisation and moderation of shared activities in Seine-Saint-Denis
Social & Employment
Setting up a shared garden to foster social cohesion within a residential estate in Toulon
Environment & Biodiversity
Organization of two mobile exhibitions and forums dedicated to environmental issues and green economy businesses
Social & Employment
Reintegration of young people excluded from work by developing expertise in eco-construction and logging activities.
Social & Employment
Social integration and better food for disadvantaged people in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region by creating a back-to-work agency.
2015 Student Solidarity Award: The "Special COP21 Prize" was awarded to the Hydr'Open association for their project to build a small-scale functional hydraulic turbine for rural electrification.
Environment & Biodiversity
2015 Student Solidarity Award: the third prize went to YA+K for their project to rehabilitate an abandoned urban space strewn with garbage in a low-income housing estate in Bagnolet.
Social & Employment
2015 Student Solidarity Award: The second prize went to Family First, led by HEC Paris students, for its project to measure the social impact of the Enfants du Mékong program (Cambodia).
2015 Student Solidarity Award: The first prize was awarded to the "Ouallam Children and Young Workers Association" (Niger), for its project to create an educational and psycho-social support structure.
Skills Sponsorship
Supplying water for a mobile health center.
Skills Sponsorship
Rehabilitation of water facilities.
Social & Employment
Developing the activities of a caretaking/maintenance service in an environment-friendly district of Bordeaux
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Development of craft activities by women in Burkina Faso.
Environment & Biodiversity
Counseling and educating volunteer families in Argenteuil to cut their energy consumption, through the "Positive Energy Families" program
Environment & Biodiversity
Creation of a MOOC on environmental protection themes.
Humanitarian & Development
Building a solar powered mini-drinking water supply in two rural schools in the region of Timbuktu.
United States
Environment & Biodiversity
Rehabilitating a Navajo territory involving the community and inspired by local traditions to fight erosion.
Social & Employment
Developing a smartphone application to help illiterates learn to read and write in complete discretion and open up their professional prospects.
Social & Employment
Bat sculptures produced by disadvantaged children for awareness-raising and environmental education.
Environment & Biodiversity
Disseminating data for a broad public on interconnections between water, energy and food for a better grasp of the economic and environmental impact of water management in Alberta.
Humanitarian & Development
Supporting the improvement of the health and environmental status of a rural commune in northern Senegal.
Environment & Biodiversity
Supporting the creation of a workforce development project enhancing thecollections of fruit trees of the conservatory orchard on the island of Porquerolles.
Social & Employment
Creating a coworking space to develop new ways to work and support isolated workers.
Social & Employment
Supporting a new field of activity in workforce development through business activity, home refurbishing.
Skills Sponsorship
Rehabilitation of water facilities.
Humanitarian & Development
Building sanitary complexes (toilets and showers) in the outlying districts of the western suburbs of New Delhi.
Humanitarian & Development
Youth education program in refugee camps (curriculum adapted to the context and replicable school model).
Humanitarian & Development
Ethical research and considerations in humanitarian issues to improve aid effectiveness.
Environment & Biodiversity
Phase 3 (expanded to Ha Long Bay) of the international project to transfer skills to restore and conserve water and shoreline quality.
Social & Employment
Counseling and supplying software packages to help microentrepreneurs gauge the social impact of their activity.
Social & Employment
In the IVth District of Paris, experimenting with a network of local services at neighborhood scale to create jobs and foster social cohesion
Social & Employment
Acquiring tools and wheeled equipment to develop the open space upkeep activities of a workforce development agency in Val d'Oise.
Social & Employment
Developing premises and a carpentry shop/training center for vulnerable youths of the region of Ham.
Social & Employment
Implementing six youth-designed environmental conservation projects in the Dresden area.
Humanitarian & Development
Supporting the production of "Blue Books" (decision aid tools for local players in water and wastewater services and international technical and financial partners).
Social & Employment
The "Special prize" was won by the Hand in Hand Association of the Skema Business School. Organizing educational activities and counseling disadvantaged youths, children of migrant workers, schooled in Suzhou, by students doing their school year in China.
Humanitarian & Development
Third prize was awarded to Mexisol, the association of the Ecole Polytech'Montpellier school, and Nana Xhimai, a student association for renewable energies from the Universidad technologica del Valle del Mesquital (Hidalgo, Mexico region). Building and installing of solar-powered facilities in the disadvantaged communities of Hidalgo province in Mexico.
DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa)
Social & Employment
Second prize went to ISTOM Student Environmental Expertise (ISEE), an association of the Ecole supérieure d'agro-développement (ISTOM) de Cergy for its feasibility study of an operation to create a system for the production, processing and marketing of Gambia tea in the Kouilou region of Congo. The transformation of the lippia multifora plant into essential oil, powder and infusion will enable local economic development with low environmental impact and create jobs.
Humanitarian & Development
First prize was awarded to Topo sans frontiers, the student association of l'Ecole supérieure des Géomètres et Topographes for a property security project in two communes of Burundi carried out by surveying and topography students. The students trained land managers and helped local officials to establish survey reference maps and land certificates to resolve conflicts.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creating a submarine species recognition and counting system tested at Cap Sicié to monitor the impact of the artificial reefs of the Remora project.
Humanitarian & Development
Environment & Biodiversity
Scientific and awareness-raising mission on pollution by plastic and on the environmental challenges of the Mediterranean.
Sierra Leone
Skills Sponsorship
Installation of a chlorination system for the Freetown water supply network.
Social & Employment
Refurbishing the Güstrow Education Home by the youngsters in difficulty to whom it provides counseling for their social and professional integration
Social & Employment
Purchasing equipment for a Woodwork and Metalwork job integration workshop providing job-seeking employees with an opportunity to get training in a developing recycling profession.
Social & Employment
Recruiting new teams and acquiring equipment by a workforce development agency specialized in eco-building and ecological refurbishing.
Social & Employment
The leading player in workforce development in Ile de France boosts its resources.
Social & Employment
Assistance for the moving of a workforce development agency specialized in the production of furnished and professional accessories from recycled materials to boost its production capacity.
Social & Employment
Acquiring computerized equipment to improve the counseling of jobseekers.
Social & Employment
Creating a web platform to promote and source candidates from SIAE workforce development structures in the Midi-Pyrénées region.
Social & Employment
Constructing a drakkar for the social and professional integration of young Germans in difficulty.
Social & Employment
Reinforcing the training of a part-time workforce development agency employing former inmates.
Social & Employment
Creating an intergenerational database to facilitate housing for young people and erradicate the isolation of senior citizens.
Environment & Biodiversity
Renaturation of a moorland by young people in a social and professional integration Framework.
Humanitarian & Development
Rehabilitating a drinking water supply system in a district of Bamako that is poorly served by the public main and particularly struck by the flow of refugees caused by the conflict in the north of the country.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creating a "Point Info Biodiversité" in the Logne Valley.
Environment & Biodiversity
Developing the use of the products of the forest, particularly the Moabi.
Environment & Biodiversity
Furnishing a space dedicated to biodiversity education in a reception center located in the Ballons des Vosgesregional nature park.
Environment & Biodiversity
Saving the flora and fauna of the Moeze-Oléron nature reserve.
Environment & Biodiversity
Renovation of a national educational facility on water.
Skills Sponsorship
Guaranteeing water supply after the cyclone.
Social & Employment
Setting up a furniture renovation workshop to provide for families in difficulty.
Social & Employment
Modernizing two jardins de cocagne organic farms to offer more organic produce and improve the working and training conditions of the back-to-work employees.
Social & Employment
Creating a Sport dans la Ville reception and training center in Paris, not far from the social and professional integration sites for young people through sports in the Paris area.
Social & Employment
Development of a new site of a workforce development agency for handicapped persons in order to improve and increase its capacity for social action.
Social & Employment
Pooling the resource activities of neighborhood committees of the urban community of Bordeaux with the creation of several jobs and the re-use of hundreds of tons of bulky waste as soon as activities begin.
Social & Employment
Creating an ecological garden to educate young persons in difficulty about nature and the gardening trades.
Social & Employment
Improving the employability of persons in difficulty by IT training courses.
Social & Employment
Enabling the expansion of the first Jardin de Cocagne organic farm at the gates of Toulouse.
Social & Employment
Reconciling waste upgrading and finding jobs for persons in difficulty.
Social & Employment
Aid in providing equipment for a back-to-work agency operating in building finishing operations and thermal insulation.
Social & Employment
Creation of a platform for discovery and training in the sustainable development and eco-construction trades in Vexin.
Humanitarian & Development
Sinking a borehole to supply drinking water to a school and boarding school as well as the surrounding population.
Humanitarian & Development
Cooperation and information exchanges between all the players in water and sanitation, particularly those of nongovernmental and decentralized cooperation.
Humanitarian & Development
Decentralized cooperation with the city of Lille to improve the public lighting of Saint-Louis in Senegal in a populous neighborhood with high economic potential.
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Installation of photovoltaic lighting in the college and health center of a village in Burkina Faso after the creation of a drinking water supply system by alumni of an engineering school.
Humanitarian & Development
Connecting the Timous childcare facility to the drinking water main of Yaoundé.
Humanitarian & Development
Rebuilding a school and improving access to water in 10 villages in Bembéréké.
Humanitarian & Development
Humanitarian & Development
Inde Espoir is enlisting the students of the École Polytechnique, Université Paris Diderot-Paris VII, the Paris Descartes Medical School, Université Panthéon Assas Paris II, Sciences Po Paris - Prépa Lycée Stanislas, the University of Exeter, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense and UTC Compiègne to build a boarding school in the town of Krishnadevipeta in India (Andhra Pradesh) to enable young girls from tribal groups to attend school.
Social & Employment
Creating a place for the discovery of technologies of the future for children and adolescents of the town of Weißwasser.
Social & Employment
Rehabilitating and furnishing the new premises of a workforce development agency in Val-de-Marne.
Social & Employment
Helping a women's organization in Vaulx-en-Velin to double its catering business.
Social & Employment
Expanding the collection, storage and sales capacity of a recycling facility to 5 communes in the Seine-Saint-Denis district.
Social & Employment
Acquiring audiovisual equipment for a back-to-work project specialized in multimedia production.
Social & Employment
Installing and running radio broadcasting studios in schools in the Yvelines (78).
Environment & Biodiversity
Protecting the oceans by an awareness raising campaign in an urban environment.
Social & Employment
Furnishing the new premises of a social guidance association in Bondy (93).
Environment & Biodiversity
Supporting the work of a professional photographer on the theme of biodiversity.
Social & Employment
Supporting the development of the activities of a workforce development agency specialized in dematerialization, GIS and vectorial drawing.
Social & Employment
Acquisition by a workforce development nonprofit in the upkeep of open spaces, of new, more environment-friendly electric tools better suited to the training needs of its back-to-work employees.
Social & Employment
Purchase of a modern dumptruck by a neighborhood managementy entity to ensure five lasting back-to-work jobs and optimize the collection of bulky objects in the Montauban urban community.
Social & Employment
Purchase of a paper chopper by the Solidarité Papier workforce development agency to optimize its supply of recycled material, create three new back-to-work jobs and put its activity on a firm footing.
Humanitarian & Development
Building a new drinking water supply system (AEP) in an isolated and poor village of southern Cambodia.
Humanitarian & Development
Sinking two boreholes to supply multivillage drinking water systems in the districts of Dosso and Loga in southeasten Niger.
Humanitarian & Development
Building a mixed renewable energy power generation unit for a school in a remote valley of Haiti.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creating an interpretation trail in the national nature reserve of Montenach, a hot spot of the regional biodiversity.
Environment & Biodiversity
Furnishing an educational apartment to teach the population of Saint-Denis about controlling consumption and eco-gestures.
Environment & Biodiversity
Designing and assisting the manufacture and marketing of efficient bread ovens, improving the living conditions of the villagers and conserving the forest resource.
Social & Employment
Developing a creative recycling facility in Bordeaux to collect, upgrade, sell furniture and scrap and teach the public about waste recovery.
Humanitarian & Development
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Collection and recycling of organic waste from outlying districts of Ouagadougou.
Environment & Biodiversity
Form teams of civic service ambassadors to raise people’s awareness about eco-friendly habits
Social & Employment
Helping prison inmates and ex-inmates of the Lille urban community to fight post-jail exclusion by returning to the job market.
Social & Employment
The nonprofit La Cravate Solidaire supplies apparel for the professional coaching and apparel for jobseekers, back-to-work employees, or disadvantaged students. The organization also offers image enhancement and helps job applicants draft their resumes and letters of motivations.
Social & Employment
Renovating a Toulouse self-service cafeteria of a workforce development agency through business activity: upgrading to standard and enhancinghospitality to expand this outreach activity.
Social & Employment
Optimizing the collection of foods to improveaid to the disadvantaged people of the Rhône district.
Social & Employment
Contributing to the integration of the cities in the PACA region by a program of meetings between artists and sidelined youths.
Social & Employment
Expanding the sale of organic baskets of a Jardin de Cocagne organic farm by building a technical room.
Social & Employment
Opening library spaces in 6 accommodation centers for the sidelined population.
Social & Employment
Helping the employees of a workforce development agency to advance in their search for a lasting job
Social & Employment
Setting up an outreach request carton collection service in the town of Pithiviers.
Social & Employment
Modernizing a workforce development project through business activity handling computer and electronic waste installed in the Val-de-Marne district.
Humanitarian & Development
Providing drinking water supply for the poor districts of Kpalimé in Togo
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Gathering organic waste in the peripheral districts of Ouagadougou and producing compost for the farmers of the region.
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Program of health education and promotion of hygiene and sanitation in the commune of Markoye to combat water-borne diseases.
Environment & Biodiversity
Undertaking an overall refurbishing program of Maison du Parc du Pilat.
Environment & Biodiversity
Producing an educational game on the theme of the challenges of water for a sustainable city to teach the population of Greater Lyon about the aquatic heritage of the urban community.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creating a pilot agroecological farm designed to disseminate the best techniques for sustainable organic farming throughout the PACA region.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creating a back-to-work project for collecting green waste.
Environment & Biodiversity
Providing a genuine tool for the promotion and enhancement of the Corsican soil.
Environment & Biodiversity
Conserving ecosystems by installing apiaries.
Environment & Biodiversity
Analyzing interactions between green turtles and their environment to reconcile economic investment on the seaboard and conservation of the lagoon at Mayotte.
Humanitarian & Development
Rehabilitating and expanding the drinking water supply system of a commune in Madagascar.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creating educational materials to raise environmental awareness in Île-Saint-Denis.
Humanitarian & Development
Converting rum to medicinal alcohol in order to boost the income of the rural population.
Social & Employment
Humanitarian & Development
Training in market gardening for 20 young Senegalese adults
Environment & Biodiversity
Producing a traveling module of a permanent exhibition on biodiversity: "All alive, and all different!"
Humanitarian & Development
Cooperation and exchanging experiences between all the players in water and sanitation, particularly those involved in non governmental and decentralized cooperation.
Social & Employment
Convey to children the values of sport, citizenship and respect for the environment.
Social & Employment
Creating an ecobuilding activity in a workforce development structure in the Drôme district in a fast growing sector.
Social & Employment
Creating a kitchen garden cultivated by sidelined youths in back-to-work training to supply fresh vegetables, according to reasoned farming principles, to food aid associations.
Humanitarian & Development
Alleviating the health and environmental repercussions of the activity of workers in the informal solid waste recycling sector in Manila.
Humanitarian & Development
The VEOLIA Foundation helps Sama Keur to set up a permanent drinking water supply in M'bour, Senegal.
Humanitarian & Development
Solidago brings together students in public works, chemistry and medicine to build a drinking water supply system in several Madagascan villages, to track their smooth operation, and to guarantee that they last.
Sponsor Dominique Gatel
Social & Employment
Spreading the "Emergence Le Havre" solution, an effective approach to integration
Humanitarian & Development
The Students' Association of post-graduates in International Relations and Action Abroad of the University of Paris I is building and equipping a school for children and a sewing shop for young illiterate women in southern India.
Social & Employment
The Association of the Students' Foundation for the City (Afev) offers University of Poitiers students a low rent apartment in joint tenancy in exchange for their commitment to an outreach project in the vulnerable neighborhoods.
Humanitarian & Development
Developing a quick-detection kit for vibrio cholerae.
Environment & Biodiversity
Optimizing water management in the area of Angkor and Siem Reap in Cambodia.
Social & Employment
Suporting the development of the "Les Jardins du Dolmen" back-to-work project that helps vulnerable persons go back to work through market gardening.
Social & Employment
Creating a market gardening back-to-work project and a reception area around outreach, nature activities and food.
United States
Social & Employment
Furnishing a multipurpose and modern training center to even better welcome and counsel the vulnerable children of the poor neighborhoods of Chicago.
Social & Employment
Developing a professional back-to-work program for young adults in the new technologies sector relying on an original economic model.
Social & Employment
Enlargement and upgrading to standard of the premises of a workforce development agency in the restaurant trades in the Paris area to consolidate its development and its permanence.
Humanitarian & Development
Supplying two cold rooms to an agricultural school in the Amazon to better preserve the foods it produces and sending a group of students on a training course to ensure their permanence.
Humanitarian & Development
Professionalizing the local players managing a public water service to ensure its permanence in the communes of of Allada, Toffo and Ze in southern Benin.
Humanitarian & Development
Construction of restrooms and a septic tank to send another 160 students to the El Bguyrine school on the periphery of Casablanca.
Humanitarian & Development
Construction of a multi-activity community center for the vulnerable population of Berceni, while meeting High Environmental Quality Standards.
Social & Employment
Developing the organic market gardening activities of a workforce development agency in Troyes.
Social & Employment
Constructing an exemplary building to improve the reception conditions of a workforce development agency in the Lolre valley.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creating a neighborhood composting platform for educational and agricultural purposes.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creating an outreach, collective and educational garden.
Environment & Biodiversity
Fighting desertification by rainwater recovery and reforestation in one of India's poorest regions.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creation of an organic kitchen garden and an agroforestal system to protect the local biodiversity and encourage its protection in a favela of Rio.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creating an educational outreach breeding farm for black bees - an endangered endemic species of the Paris area - accessible to the public and run by and for the beekeepers.
Social & Employment
Creating a collaborative platform to optimize the coordination and communication of a nonprofit for junior high school students in the Paris area.
Environment & Biodiversity
Launch of a biodiversity protection campaign in Hamburg by the installation of beehives on the roofs and awareness raising actions.
Environment & Biodiversity
Contributing to the development of resource center in Marseille to help reduce waste.
United States
Environment & Biodiversity
Furnishing a mobile educational unit to teach children about the environmental, economic and social role of the rivers and to promote their protection.
Environment & Biodiversity
Recycling green waste from the Guy-Weber educational nature park in Seine-Maritime.
United States
Environment & Biodiversity
Development of an internet program for awareness of energy conservation aimed at schools and families.
Social & Employment
Participating in the construction of a first rank ship of the line.
Social & Employment
Consolidating the activities of the Menage (housekeeping) hub of a back-to-work nonprofit in Lot et Garonne.
Environment & Biodiversity
Supporting a program for environmental education on the Rhone River.
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Electrification and water supply for an agricultural training center in Burkina Faso.
Environment & Biodiversity
Providing the Naundorf ecological station with a photovoltaic installation.
Social & Employment
Furnishing a barge to optimize the reception of vulnerable persons.
Environment & Biodiversity
Drawing up a plan for the territorial development of Thies in Senegal.
Environment & Biodiversity
Supporting the organization of a photography contest for amateurs and professionals on the theme of biodiversity.
Social & Employment
Supporting the production of reportages on the theme of sustainable development.
Environment & Biodiversity
Continued compilation and dissemination of the "red list" of endangered land and marine spaces in continental France and overseas.
Social & Employment
The VEOLIA Foundation helps the Ares project to develop a new activity in logistics and reinforce back-to-work projects.
Social & Employment
Environment & Biodiversity
Helping the people of Togo make better use of 3000 hectares
Social & Employment
Setting up audiovisual workshops to provide a face and a voice to a sidelined public.
Social & Employment
Enlarging the infrastructures of the Jardins du Cœur of Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone for better reception of the beneficiaries.
Social & Employment
Setting up traveling literacy courses for women weavers in the mountain villages of Chiapas, Mexico.
Humanitarian & Development
Constructing a photovoltaic installation to supply solar electricity to a health center in Madagascar.
Environment & Biodiversity
Organise the protection of flamingos and fish species in the Camargue; extend the project through an international cooperation programme.
Environment & Biodiversity
Remediating the damaged coral reefs of Tumbak Bay in Indonesia by installing artificial reefs and cuttings tables.
DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa)
Humanitarian & Development
Combining micro consultancy and micro donations to enable African micro-entrepreneurs to start their activity.
Social & Employment
Structuring and developing the Environmental Services activity of a back-to-work nonprofit.
Humanitarian & Development
Optimizing and structuring the harvest of a school farm in southwest Senegal, by the installation of a multiblade wind generator.
Social & Employment
Replacing a baling press in a professional integration workshop for recycling paper and cardboard.
Social & Employment
Creating an outreach garage for persons in difficulty in Perpignan.
Social & Employment
Providing access for handicapped persons to an eco-tourist forest farm and providing it with a wood-burning boiler house.
Social & Employment
Organizing the workshops and a sales area for renovated home appliances in new premises, more appropriate for accommodating back-to-work employees.
Social & Employment
Installing an onboard IT system on the truck fleet of a carrier employing drivers in a back-to-work situation.
Humanitarian & Development
Constructing, transporting and installing a cold room to produce ice in Ouessé by the students of a vocational school in Nantes.
Humanitarian & Development
Refurbishing the media library of the Alliance française de Chisinau for the 20th anniversary of its presenece in Moldava.
Social & Employment
Boosting the production capacity of a workforce development agency in Roanne (Loire).
Social & Employment
Refurbishing the premises of a back-to-work nonprofit and creating a new educational boutique dedicated to selling fruits and vegetables.
Social & Employment
Installing an irrigation system in a social and professional organic truck farming integration project.
Social & Employment
Rollout of eco-friendly practices in back-to-work schemes specializing in green spaces in South Lille. Economic development of the business.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creating a national contest to encourage children and adolescents to discover nature around their stadium.
Social & Employment
Converting a multi hectare truck farming site into a space for social cohesioin combining family gardens, workforce development and environmental education activities.
Environment & Biodiversity
Equiping a trailer as a BioLab to organize practical learning on ecosystems in situ.
Environment & Biodiversity
Refurbishing an ancient house as a nature discovery center in the Riddagshausen Nature Reserve (suburbs of Brunswick).
Environment & Biodiversity
Constructing the first sailing ship of jute composite, for the recovery of a major injustry in Bangladesh, in decline today.
United States
Environment & Biodiversity
Launching a research program on the world challenges of water bringing together students and teachers in various disciplines, industrialists and governmental bodies.
Environment & Biodiversity
Organizing a Rain Garden to recover and utilize the runoff and educate the thousands of visitors of the Museum of Living Memory.
Social & Employment
Placing art and culture at the heart of the projects of an ESAT (établissement et service d'aide par le travail).
Social & Employment
Acquiring new premises to improve the working conditions of the employees and perpetuate the activities of a workforce development agency.
United States
Social & Employment
Publishing a guide of relevant solutions for the demand transportation of elderly or handicapped persons in the countries of the south.
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Inaugurating a drinking water supply for 25 000 persons spread among 37 villages in northern Burkina Faso.
Humanitarian & Development
On September 30, 2009, a violent earthquake, magnitude 7.6 on the Richter scale, devastated the Indonesian island of Sumatra and severely damaged homes and water infrastructure.
Humanitarian & Development
The mission of the Veolia Environnement Foundation in Nigeria to fight against lead poisoning.
Humanitarian & Development
Program to provide sustainable access to drinking water for inhabitants of Douala.
Humanitarian & Development
Producing a gravity-fed drinking water system to supply a dozen villages in the Fiokpo area, in the southwest of the country.
Humanitarian & Development
Development of information and documentation resources to improve the effectiveness of the outreach projects between France and the countries of the South.
Social & Employment
Production of shows for disadvantaged publics, generally unable to attend opera performances: schools, retirement homes, hospitals.
Humanitarian & Development
Construction of a permanent drinking water supply in the Western Sierra Madre for the Huichol Amerindians of San Miguel Huastita.
Social & Employment
Inauguration at Vernon (Eure) of a halfway house with 20 places to accommodate people in difficulty.
Social & Employment
Construction of a residential facility and day center with a semi-professional kitchen space for young people suffering a severe mental handicap in Brussels.
Humanitarian & Development
Improving the conditions of access to drinking water and sanitation in eight villages of Liligodo, alongside the local and national authorities, the population and professionals.
Social & Employment
Acquisition of a bus to provide transportation to school and to propose extracurricular activities to the children accommodated in the orphanages of Mumbai.
Humanitarian & Development
Installation of solar panels in a Himalayan school to give the villagers the benefit of light 24 hours a day.
Humanitarian & Development
Refurbishing the school of Vionova to offer better study conditions to Moldovan school children.
Social & Employment
Development of a back-to-work agency specialized in the collection and upgrading of waste electrical and electronic equipment.
Social & Employment
Safeguarding the production of an organic jardin de Cocagne in a rural area to guarantee quality and quantity by installing an irrigation system on a plot.
Social & Employment
Opening an organic jardin de Cocagne to offer work to women in the commune of Sainte-Colombe-sur-Seine in Côte-d'Or.
Social & Employment
Acquiring a new greenhouse provided with an irrigation system to create 5 additional open-term contracts.
Social & Employment
Development of a back-to-work organic vegetable garden thanks to the irrigation of new cultivated plots.
Social & Employment
Increasing the production capacity of the organic jardin de Cocagne located in the Haute Borne scientific park of Villeneuve-d'Ascq (59).
Social & Employment
Creation of a technical platform for a back-to-work project producing organic compost obtained by the upkeep of vulnerable wetlands.
Social & Employment
Creation of back-to-work projects to build mobile entertainment materials in the disadvantaged neighborhoods of the Nantes urban area.
Social & Employment
Acquiring better technical tools to gain contracts to upkeep open spaces in Maine-et-Loire.
Social & Employment
Creation of a social garage for automobile maintenance and repair for hard-up people of Toulouse.
Social & Employment
Enhancing workforce development and providing publics in difficulty with a car to make it easier for them to find a job.
Environment & Biodiversity
Organization of educational circuits on water and biodiversity on aquatic nature spaces and a bird observatory for information and interpretation.
Environment & Biodiversity
Renovation of a refuge for rare animals made available to scientists free of charge.
Environment & Biodiversity
Launch of an access plan to renewal energies on the natural reserve of Vohibola with the construction of a solar-powered boat.
Environment & Biodiversity
Publication of an educational booklet on the topic of water for the young public of Pau (64).
Environment & Biodiversity
Reprinting and update of an educational kit on the forest for 20,000 French children.
Environment & Biodiversity
Reorganization of an environmental discovery and education center to accommodate a broader public and to obtain the "Tourism in Handicap" label.
Environment & Biodiversity
Launch of a pilot program of environmental education to improve the educational methods of a school in Lower Saxony.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creation of a green class to raise the awareness of the natural environment for 150 children of the evangelical school of Eisenach (Germany).
Environment & Biodiversity
Deployment of the "Tell me about your river" educational project for the Rhone valley and internationally.
Environment & Biodiversity
A pilot project using artificial reefs to revitalize the sea bed at Cape Sicié in Toulon harbour
Humanitarian & Development
Rehabilitating a rural school in southern Morocco
Social & Employment
Expanding the capacity of food aid for destitute families in the Val-de-Marne district (94).
Social & Employment
Restoring hope to maltreated children by accommodating them in healthy homes in a host family.
Social & Employment
Promoting the learning of French for migrant adults and updating the corresponding IT tools.
Social & Employment
Building and equipping an education IT room for maltreated Cambodian children.
Social & Employment
Enlarging the Social Home of Long Hai in Vietnam to accommodate abandoned infants and handicapped children who are victims of dioxin.
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Providing water supply for isolated villages in Burkina Faso
Social & Employment
Developing the collection of bulky objects and raising awareness of waste issues in the urban community of Arras.
Social & Employment
Converting wastes into resources to promote jobs for people in difficulty
Social & Employment
Developing a platform to foster the mobility of persons in a social and professional integration project
Social & Employment
Proposing mobility alternatives to people in difficulty to boost their chances of finding a job
Social & Employment
Creating an organic garden to find work for jobless persons
Social & Employment
Developing a workforce development facility in a difficult rural context, with complementary trades to market gardening
Social & Employment
Creating an organic market garden for the social and professional reintegration of vulnerable persons.
Social & Employment
Opening an outreach restaurant for the destitiute of Paris and creating 18 back-to-work jobs
Social & Employment
Creating a platform to upgrade used textiles in the form of a workforce development agency by Emmaüs
Environment & Biodiversity
Teaching respect for nature by restoring the old village school of Vlahi in Bulgaria.
Environment & Biodiversity
Expanding the biodiversity and educating the population of a village in Lower Saxony about this natural treasure.
Environment & Biodiversity
Educating the children of today about their environment to make them nature-friendly adults tomorrow
Environment & Biodiversity
Supporting the protection of biodiversity and environmental education of the public in the Yonne district
Environment & Biodiversity
Creating a regional center to save the wild fauna in Languedoc-Roussillon
Environment & Biodiversity
Raising the awareness of the children of Hamburg about their natural environment
Social & Employment
Creating a specialized laboratory on neuroblastomas, children's cancer, at Institut Curie.
Social & Employment
Creating a virtual home for adolescents, in the form of an interactive internet site run by specialists in adolescence.
Social & Employment
Creating a second home at human scale for the street children of Delhi.
Social & Employment
Construction of a boat to enable wheelchair bound persons to discover the joys of the sea.
Social & Employment
The installation and use of interactive digital tools in the informal educational sector in the six French-speaking sub-Saharan African countries.
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Improving the water and sanitation services in the seven urban villages of Houndé in southern Burkina Faso .
Social & Employment
Reinforcing the counseling of young people engaged in European community programs with international mobility.
Social & Employment
Getting back to work in a rural setting
United States
Social & Employment
Expanding the employment and vocational training of handicapped adults in the Chicago area.
United States
Environment & Biodiversity
Production of an entertaining and interactive exhibition of the impact of human activity on water resources: "Water Ways" by the Museum of Discovery of Dayton, Ohio.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creation of an interactive web platform to connect the European student associations working for sustainable development.
Burkina Faso
Social & Employment
Rehabilitation of a village maternity hospital, prevention of sexually transmissible diseases and raising awareness in hygiene.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creation of tree nurseries to fight forest overexploitation and conserve the biodiversity with the population of the Limpopo National Park.
Social & Employment
Creation of a pocket electronic Braille dictionary with audio readout of the definitions.
Humanitarian & Development
Installation of solar panels in a Nepalese school and development of renewable energies in the schools of the area.
Social & Employment
Enhancing the mobility of people who cannot travel by train unaccompanied.
Social & Employment
Equipping a professional kitchen workshop of a learning island designed for handicapped persons.
Social & Employment
Video equipment and computer hardware for a maritime adventure for hospitalized children.
Social & Employment
Improving the work of the volunteers of a soup kitchen by redesigning their storage space.
Social & Employment
Equipment for an outreach grocery designed for low-income families.
Humanitarian & Development
Installing solar panels and irrigating vegetable gardens for a remote Madagascan village.
Social & Employment
Constructing the cold room of an eco-building designed to accommodate the truck farming activities of a workforce development agency through business activity.
Social & Employment
Creating a new workforce development activity for publics in difficulty through an ironing service forresidents of the 12th arrondissement of Paris.
Social & Employment
Helping people in difficulty to find a job and (re)construct a professional and personal project.
Environment & Biodiversity
Producing educational tools for the conservation of the coral reefs aimed at more than 300 Indonesian students.
DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa)
Social & Employment
Creating a specialized child oncology unit at the Cliniques Universitaires Hospital in Lubumbashi.
Social & Employment
Outreach and ecological refitting of the last French Newfoundlander.
Humanitarian & Development
Subsidizing the distribution of anaerobic digesters in three provinces of Vietnam to improve the agro-ecological performance of a hundred farmers in difficulty.
Social & Employment
Building the multipurpose room of the public school of the capital of Ladakh.
Humanitarian & Development
Constructing drinking water pumping stations in five villages of southern Togo.
Humanitarian & Development
Implementing small irrigation systems and sustainable farming practices among poor peasants.
Social & Employment
Installing a workforce development project in appropriate premises involving the woodworking trades.
Social & Employment
Building new premises for the professional reintegration of scores of Haut-Savoyards in difficulty.
Social & Employment
Creating an ESAT agency to take charge of some 50 psychically handicapped persons.
Environment & Biodiversity
Rearranging an old small dam as a leisure space with the young people of the neigborhood.
Environment & Biodiversity
Managing a 25 000 hectare reserve protecting an exceptional fauna and a fragile ecosystem, in favor of the primary forest and the local populations.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creating a database for converting military reservations into protected spaces.
United States
Environment & Biodiversity
A new scientific cooperation project with the University of Arizona
Humanitarian & Development
Construction of a solar pumping well in the isolated neighborhood of a village, as part of a joint project initiated by the Foundation between SOSF and a young high school student engaged in an outreach dynamic for access to water.
Humanitarian & Development
Proposing an integrated micro-scale drinking water/wastewater services approach to improve the hygiene conditions of isolated communities in the north of the country.
Social & Employment
Contributing to the economic development of the village of Tiaboli, by creating a truck farming zone and purchasing small equipment.
Environment & Biodiversity
Refurbishment of the Franco-Australian Museum of Villers Bretonneux designed in an exemplary environmental and social approach.
Social & Employment
Creating an ophthalmological service in the region of Banteay Meanchey.
Social & Employment
Assisting the purchase of a utility vehicle adapted to the driving and transportation of persons with reduced mobility in order to develop the practice of board sports for handicapped persons.
DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa)
Social & Employment
Connecting the future "Dominique Savio" vocational center for social youth reintegration to the electric power grid.
Social & Employment
Backing an original initiative for awareness raising and learning through games, to help exposed Madagascan children acquire the right postures in case of a cyclone alert.
Social & Employment
Developing a specialized behavioral counseling service and installing a specific training program by the acquisition of educational equipment and adapted telecommunication tools.
Humanitarian & Development
Improving the living conditions of the farmers of the communes of the region of Sertao by the construction of tanks for drinking water supply and the construction of a dam for agriculture, livestock and household needs of non-drinking water.
Humanitarian & Development
Contributing to the economic development of the village of Tiaboli by creating a truck farming zone and purchasing small equipment.
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Installation of a photovoltaic pumping unit on an existing well and construction of a tank with a distribution network in the village.
Social & Employment
Openinga short- and medium-term residential center for the 15-25 age cohort living in the streets of Bucharest.
Social & Employment
Converting the courtyard of a home for services to elderly persons into an open garden of senses, to establish a space ideal for improving the living conditions of the population of the neighborhood and bringing the inhabitants closer to their neighbors of all ages.
Social & Employment
Launch of a micro-franchise system in the area of plumbing and home do-it-yourself.
Social & Employment
Reinforcing the capacities of Société coopérative d'intérêt collectif Vertex, for the recycling and treatment of used textiles.
Social & Employment
Creating a workforce development association for business activity around the repair, resale and leasing of old bicycles.
Social & Employment
Developing the "outreach garage" activity of the nonprofit to enable persons undergoing professional and social integration in the district, to enjoy access to an automobile repair and leasing service.
Social & Employment
Earthworks and sanitation projects for connecting the modular buildings of a new workforce development site.
Social & Employment
Refurbishing the premises of a workforce development agency to arrange dressing rooms, sanitary blocks and a relaxation room, and purchase an additional vehicle to transport the back-to-work employees.
Social & Employment
Initiating a professional reintegration program in a rural environment for 30 families in severe uncertainty (homeless of the Madagascan capital and landless peasants).
Environment & Biodiversity
Constructing a building to ecological standards to serve as a place for accomodation and activities in a kindergarten.
Environment & Biodiversity
Refurbishing a Museum of the Sea on Gorée island off Dakar. Opening a research center on sea turtles.
Environment & Biodiversity
The second phase of the international project for the transfer of skills to restore and preserve the quality of the water and shoreline of the Bay of Hai Phong.
Environment & Biodiversity
Opening a large tree nursery, plus a center for public training and awareness raising, to assist the reforestation of Senegal.
Skills Sponsorship
The fight against lead poisoning.
Humanitarian & Development
Tropical storm Ketsana, the strongest experienced by the archipelago in 40 years, and typhoon Parma struck the northern Philippines in October 2009, creating an emergency for nearly 2 million people.
Central African Republic
Humanitarian & Development
Last December, a multi-ethnic conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo sparked massive population movements: 80,000 to 100,000 persons fled across the border to Congo Brazzaville and the Central African Republic.
Social & Employment
Organizing humanitarian projects in the bush villages of Madagascar to build, refurbish and equip the schools by Paris high school students.
Humanitarian & Development
Creation of a complete waste management program in the urban community of Dschang.
Humanitarian & Development
Setting up an affordable wastewater services solution for the disadvantaged districts of Dakar.
Social & Employment
Back-to-work projects for young persons in Senegal involving young French and Senegalese in the field of communication and multimedia.
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Progressive construction of a school complex ranging from primary level to technical and vocational training.
Social & Employment
Furnishing an outreach grocery at Sérifontaine.
Social & Employment
Construction of a national center for reparative surgery and for third degree burns at the Preah Kossamak Hospital.
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Institutional and technical counseling of the commune of Karangasso to improve access to drinking water and wastewater services.
Social & Employment
Reconditioning an old sailing rig to initiate young persons in very difficult situations into navigation and help them rebuild their lives.
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Construction of a reservoir at Ouéguédo.
Humanitarian & Development
Rehabilitation of a small water supply network, running on solar energy.
Social & Employment
Recycled IT hardware for institutions (high schools and vocational training centers) in eight regions of Madagascar.
Social & Employment
Backing the development of a WEEE recycling business for a nonprofit social and professional integration agency in Bucharest.
Social & Employment
Refurnishing of a kitchen of a workforce development restaurant to set up a system to prepare organic meals.
Social & Employment
Creation of a service of eco-responsible drivers for individuals and professionals.
Social & Employment
Acquisition of a boat for a back-to-work agency in the environmental area: restoration of aquatic environments and wetlands.
Social & Employment
Creation of a socio-professional and multi-cultural back-to-work restaurant.
Social & Employment
Enlarging the farmed area of a Jardin de Cocagne to increase the number of back-to-work jobs and meet growing demand.
Social & Employment
Aid to development of a workforce development agency in the field of ecological wood construction.
Social & Employment
Constructing a HEQ building to aid the development of an organic truck farming business.