Since its creation in 2004, the Veolia Foundation has carried out nearly 250 expert missions, both on development projects and in humanitarian emergencies. Illustrations.
After the devastating passage of cyclone Chido in Mayotte, some twenty Veoliaforce volunteers were assigned to two partner NGOs: the French Red Cross and Solidarités International.
What is CSR / CSR? For whom and why? These and many other questions were put to Quitterie de La Villegeorges. A Veoliaforce volunteer with the Veolia Foundation, she was assigned to train students on these topics for 4 days.
Two Veoliaforce volunteers were mobilized in Pakistan to train Médecins Sans Frontières staff in the deployment of Aquaforces 2000, which had been in storage since the 2022 intervention following the floods that devastated the country.
As partners in their humanitarian commitment, the Veolia Foundation and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) are working to improve the NGO's waste management in the areas where it operates, notably in the DRC and neighboring Rwanda.
In Goma, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Médecins Sans Frontières operates hospital structures and works in camps for displaced persons. Alongside it, the Veolia Foundation is stepping up its efforts to improve access to drinking water.
A Veoliaforce mission for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to audit a dozen camps around Farchana, in the east of the country, and make recommendations to improve access to water.
In Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, the Veolia Foundation is working with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to install a pilot fecal sludge post-treatment system near refugee camps.
A UNICEF / Veolia Foundation collaboration to deploy Aquaforces 2000 in the communities of Baga Sola and Bol, located on the shores of Lake Chad, and train staff in their use.
Identification of a bacterium in the pipes of a hospital, definition of sampling protocols and an action plan to treat the contamination. OFIS expertise (SARP, Veolia) mobilized remotely.
Deployment of an Aquaforce RO to treat excessively high fluoride levels, leading to several Veoliaforce missions.
Rotation of four Veoliaforce experts, deployed by the French Red Cross via the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, after the earthquake on 8 September.
Following the destruction of the Kakhova dam in Ukraine, Aquaforces and a volunteer were sent to train Solidarités International teams in their deployment.
Mobilisation of two Veoliaforce experts to work with colleagues from Veolia Water Technologies (VWT) Turkey following the earthquake that struck Turkey on 6 February 2023.
Provision of Veoliaforce expertise and mobile water purification units after deadly floods.
Veoliaforce mission, carried out with the French Red Cross, in particular the Americas Caribbean Regional Intervention Platform (Pirac), to ensure the distribution of drinking water to households in Vieux-Habitants using an Aquaforce 2000.
Local teams trained and new vehicles to collect waste in Atar, Mauritania.
Mission of an expert from Veolia's Scientific and Technological Expertise Department (DEST) to take samples and send them for analysis of water potentially contaminated after the explosion of a munitions depot in Bata.
Mobilization of a Veoliaforce expert with his mobile analysis laboratory to analyze the impact of ash on water quality after the eruption of La Soufrière, in the south of the French West Indies.
After the devastating explosion on 4 August 2020, a diagnostic mission followed by rotations of Veoliaforce volunteers to search for leaks in the water network.
With the Société d'exploitation des eaux du Niger (SEEN, Veolia), Veoliaforce volunteers deployed three Aquaforces 5000, mobile water purification units, to supply water to people affected by the floods in September 2020.
Provision of temporary access to water in unsanitary camps in the Paris region, following a needs assessment phase with Solidarités International.
Mobilization with the French Red Cross, Médecins Sans Frontières and Solidarités International, to send a dozen Veoliaforce volunteers to deploy water purification equipment.
Optimization and adaptation of the wastewater treatment plant at the Sittwe camp for displaced persons. Two Veoliaforce missions, on-site and remote, in 2019 and 2020.
Since 2018
Development of a solution to treat wastewater from the hospital in the Drouillard district of Port-au-Prince.
First deployment of the Aquaforce 15000 to supply a refugee camp run by Médecins Sans Frontières.
Support for the water supply in the Kutupalong-Balukhali camp (Rohingya refugees), along the Burmese border in Bangladesh.
For three weeks, two Veoliaforce volunteers trained members of the Iraqi Red Crescent to use water supply solutions in emergency situations.
Intervention in partnership with UNHCR to study the hydraulic network of a refugee camp located in Mbera, on the border between Mauritania and Mali.
After an earthquake followed by a tsunami in Indonesia in September 2018, mobilization of the Veolia Foundation as part of the mechanism steered by the crisis and support center (CDCS) of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Emergency water production and setting up of water distribution points before re-establishing network connections.
For three days, some fifteen volunteers from the Paris region lent a hand to the Foundation's team mobilized at the Massy warehouse to pack materials for future emergency interventions.
Mission carried out with Médecins du Monde to take stock of environment and health issues (water and air quality, waste management and sanitation) in a shantytown in the capital of the Philippines.
Intervention alongside the French Red Cross and the Qatari and Iraqi Red Crescent to supply drinking water to the Khazer 2 camp, located 30 km east of Mosul in Iraq.
In the days following the hurricane, the French NGO ACTED asked the Veolia Foundation to organize an emergency humanitarian mission. This was the beginning of a mobilization of Veoliaforce equipment and volunteers.
After Cyclone Idai hit Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe in March 2019, the Veolia Foundation intervened. Together with the French Red Cross, Médecins Sans Frontières and Solidarités International, it mobilized by sending equipment and a dozen Veoliaforce experts.
An intervention in partnership with Interagua after the worst earthquake in Latin America since Haiti in 2010: the quake hit the Pacific coast of Ecuador.
Training of Médecins Sans Frontières staff and deployment of an Aquaforce 500 mobile water treatment unit to supply water to a mobile health centre run by the NGO.
After carrying out an initial intervention with the French Red Cross in the summer of 2014 to provide assistance to displaced persons, the Veolia Foundation has once again mobilized by taking part in an assessment mission to the Bardarash camp led by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A Foundation volunteer went on site in August.
In Iraq, the war against Daech (Islamic State) led to population displacements and thousands of refugees arrived in Iraqi Kurdistan during the summer of 2014. The Veoliaforce volunteers who took turns on the ground organized the supply of drinking water and the construction of latrines at around forty sites dedicated to housing Iraqi refugees located outside the camps.
To combat cholera in Sierra Leone, installation of a chlorination system on the distribution network in Freetown, where Action Contre la Faim is running a program to improve water quality in the capital's vulnerable neighborhoods, which are regularly hit by cholera epidemics.
The Veolia Foundation mobilized immediately after the earthquake that hit Haiti on January 12, 2010. It intervened in the emergency and post-emergency phases, then remained mobilized around a program to rehabilitate the water network in the town of Petit-Goâve in Haiti.
Uncontrolled exploitation of gold mines pollutes Nigerian soil and threatens the health of local populations.
Installation of Aquaforces 500 mobile water purification units and a distribution system (ramps and flexible tanks). Assessment of networks and water treatment plants after the passage of a cyclone. (rampes et réservoirs souples).
Evaluation of waste disposal in areas affected by tropical storm Ketsana.
Last December, a multi-ethnic conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo led to major population movements: between 80,000 and 100,000 people crossed the border into Congo Brazzaville and CAR.
On September 30, 2009, a violent earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale devastated the Indonesian island of Sumatra, severely damaging homes and water infrastructures.
Veoliaforce intervention as part of the partnership with UNICEF after the passage of four hurricanes between August and September 2008. Mission in Gonaïves, in the northwest of Haiti, the region hardest hit by flooding after four hurricanes.
Following the attack by the rebel troops in Chad, 8000 refugees have been accommodated in a UNHCR camp at Maltam (Cameroon) where a Red Cross health structure provides first aid.
Fay, Gustav, Hanna, Ike ... In three weeks, in late August and early September, these large scale hurricanes devastated the coast of the island of Haiti, where 70% of the population live below the poverty line.
Seven drinking water networks rehabilitated (20 boreholes, 12 water towers and 200 standpipes), complemented by 15 ecological latrines, including 10 in schools and 5 in markets. In addition to the work on the infrastructure, it is above all the training of a motivated technical department in the Bangangté commune and the setting up of management committees in the villages that will enable these facilities to function.
On 12 May 2008, a magnitude 8 earthquake on the Richter scale ravaged the province of Sichuan, in the center of China: 80,000 dead, 20,000 disappeared and 1,500,000 victims.
Deployment of Aquaforce and water supply for six months.
Deployment of Aquaforces 5000; complete rehabilitation of the Meulaboh regional hospital distribution network.