Environment & biodiversity
- Location:
Ligueil (France)
- Sponsor:
José de Graeve
- Grant:
€5000 at the selection committee meeting on 21 October 2019
Project leader
The association "Pour vos Yeux" works towards democratizing urban art in the countryside. The members of the association pursue this mission not only to promote artists already recognized in their field, but also to bring out and develop local rural artists. The objective is also to create social and intergenerational links within these territories.
Very arty water towers
The name of the project reflects the goals of the association running it: "Au fil de l'Indre et l'eau'Art". The last part of the name is a play on words and is pronounced as "Indre et Loire". The territory concerned is therefore clear. As are the themes of water and art in this artistic as well as educational initiative. In practical terms, the association's aim is to involve urban artists in painting frescoes on a particular type of building that is relatively common in the area: water towers, which, to say the least, are a true symbol of water management.
Very educational water towers
The next step concerns children: they are the association's priority target and are considered the best ambassadors when it comes to passing on environmental messages to their parents. 9 to 11 year olds are specifically targeted by the operation. The association "Pour vos Yeux" has joined forces with the association Ceseau, which specializes in safeguarding water resources: two workshops, entitled "operation drinking water & water tower" and "water at home", are offered to the classes courtesy of the support of the Veolia Foundation.
The children are asked to build a water tower from recycled materials and suggest solutions for reducing water consumption at home. After observing the creation of the works and studying the theme of water, the children personally reflect on how they themselves would paint water using the same techniques as the urban artists.
Very useful and beautified water towers
In addition to this environmental theme, and this time aimed at the general public, the project "Au fil de l'Indre et l'eau'Art" also aims to create social links in rural areas. Art encourages the exchange of points of view, opinions and experiences between those who discover and admire it. It thus enriches community life. To take it a step further, and still reflecting the theme of good water management, there are plans to offer visits to water-related sites: the local wastewater treatment plant and the Moulin des Mécaniciens, in Beaulieu-lès-Loches... More generally, the project could help to increase the region's tourist appeal.
A first decorated water tower in 2020
The first fresco should see the light of day in 2020 in Sepmes. And the educational workshops will be aimed at schools in the surrounding villages. The project should then develop throughout the Loches Sud Touraine group of municipalities, with about twenty projects in the end.