Freetown, Sierra Leone
January to Febuary 2014
Types of intervention
Installation of equipment
Main partner :
Action Against Hunger
After the violent civil war that shook the country from 1991 to 2002, Sierra Leone has gradually reestablished and restructured itself. The country is now in a situation that is more favorable for addressing the challenges of development that it faces, despite a human development index score that is among the lowest in the world.
An epidemic of cholera
In 2012, Sierra Leone was in the throes of the worst cholera epidemic it had known in the past fifteen years. By November 19, 2012, some 19,000 cases had been recorded and 274 deaths. The WHO and the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation set up a control and command center for cholera in order to coordinate the action against it that had become a national emergency.
Improving the quality of the water
The Veoliaforce teams intervened in January and February 2014 in order to install a chlorination system for the Freetown water supply network, where Action Against Hunger has been carrying out a program to improve the quality of the water in capital’s vulnerable neighborhoods that are regularly affected by cholera epidemics.