Bangangté, Cameroon
February 2006 to February 2015
Type of intervention:
Technical analysis, operations support, development of skills/training
Main partners:
Enfants du Ndé
Seine-Normandy Water Agency
Town of Bangangté
Analysis and mobilization of partners
In Cameroon, the majority of fresh water systems built by the government during the 1980s are no longer working because of a lack of monitoring and skills to ensure their maintenance. Initiated by Les Enfants du Ndé, a Paris-based charity founded by Cameroonians living abroad, the Modeab program was carried out between 20010 and 2014 in the Western province of the country in the rural area of the municipality of Bangangté (150,000 inhabitants, split between 11 villages). Its aim was to rehabilitate and create the infrastructures for water and sanitation, with the final objective of duplicating this eventually throughout Cameroon.
The project was supported by some important technical and financial partners such as AIMF, SIAAP and the Seine and Normandy Water Agency. The Veolia Foundation, acting as both a technical expert and a co-financier, carried out the program in all the villages. This involved several missions carried out by Veoliaforce volunteers between 20013 and 2014. They worked with local partners to push forward the work, verified the quality of the equipment and the work done, made sure that the workers on site were qualified and that there were enough of them to meet the deadlines.
Seven fresh water supply networks restored and a proper management system put in place
Seven fresh water networks have been restored (20 boreholes, 12 water towers and 200 drinking fountains) and, in addition, 15 ecological latrines were installed to supply sanitation, of which 10 were in schools and 5 in the markets. In addition to the work on infrastructures, most importantly a well-motivated technical service team was established in Bangangté, together with management committees in the villages, which will enable these installations to function properly.
Bangangté, Cameroon
February 2006 to February 2015
Type of intervention:
Technical analysis, operations support, development of skills/training
For more information, go to the Foundation's page.
- Enfants du Ndé
- Seine-Normandy Water Agency
- Town of Bangangté