Social & Employment
- Location:
Villeurbanne (France)
- Sponsor:
Philippe Imbert
- Grant:
€10,000 at the Selection Committee meeting of 06/04/2022
Project Leader
Territoires zéro chômeur de longue durée (TZCLD) - Enjoué
In Villeurbanne, toys become a lever for integration. Enjoué, recently accredited as a company with an employment goal, is expanding to make more room for the collection, recycling and sale of toys.
Enjoué collects, reconditions and resells games and toys by employing and valorizing the skills of women and men who are far from employment, on the scale of the Lyon Metropolis.
In this context, former jobseekers participate in the operation of Enjoué. These women and men, employed by the structure, can thus acquire new skills and receive training in the fields of sales, children, sorting, animation, etc.
Within the framework of the Territoire Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée (TZLCD) scheme supported by the Veolia Foundation, the Enjoué association has received its accreditation as an Entreprise à but d'emploi (EBE). It is going to expand and give more space to the collection, storage and recycling of toys. To carry out this work, nearly 35 jobs are envisaged by 2024. The Veolia Foundation supports this change of scale with renewed confidence in the Territoire Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée (TZLCD) approach, here adapted by Enjoué in the Lyon region.
Key figures for Enjoué in 2022
23 collections organized
7,000 refurbished toys
5 points of sale
3 ephemeral sales