Humanitarian and Development
Gilles Tourolle
Project leader
AIMF (Association internationale des maires francophones)
"This is a fine international cooperation project that benefits from the advice of many experts in water treatment and is based on the transfer of skills."
Gilles Tourolle
Located in the hollow of the Gulf of Guinea, Cameroon suffers no shortage of water, far to the contrary! In this little country, at the crossroads of West Africa and Central Africa, problems connected with this resource are rather due to the very high rainfall in the rainy season and the difficulty of guaranteeing the quality of water for domestic use, particularly in urban areas.
To help implement durable solutions, the town hall of Douala applied to internationally recognized experts: Veolia Waterforce and the Seine-Normandy Water Board. It also benefits from the accompaniment of the town of Dieppe, engaged alongside it in decentralized cooperation projects, and the active support of the AIMF.
Maintenance and management committees
To guarantee access of the population of several neighborhoods of the capital to drinking water, a large scale program has been designed in two steps. In the pilot phase, eight old wells will be rehabilitated, two new ones will be drilled, four communal agents will be trained in maintenance and a management committee will be formed around each water point. When this phase reaches completion and the initiators have drawn all the necessary lessons, 19 new wells will be drilled. Ultimately, 20 jobs will thus be created. The 16 000 euros granted by Fondation Veolia Environnement will have to initially finance part of the pilot phase. Above all, however, the funds will largely help to safeguard access to drinking water of several hundred inhabitants of Douala.
A new program for access to water and wastewater services in the commune of Bangangté.
Domain: Humanitary and Development
Country: Cameroon
Endowment: 2010/06/09
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