Drinking water for the children of the Timous childcare facility

Given the inadequacy of the local infrastructures, the Timous childcare facility wants to carry out a water supply and storage project to be self-sufficient and to comfortably accommodate the kids aged 3 months to 3 years.

Humanitarian and Development

Yaoundé, Cameroon

Frédéric Lacaze-Eslous

€10,000 to the Selection Committee at 2013/10/15

Project leader

Les Timous

"This project is an opportunity to act to improve the living conditions in Cameroon. I'll be personally involved by carrying out the technical cost analysis of the estimates obtained, and also, if necessary, by offering remote technical assistance."

Frédéric Lacaze-Eslous

After fifteen years of service as an educator of young children in the childcare facilities of the Hauts-de-Seine district, Nawe Ngounou Émilienne decided to put her energy and skills to the service of the children of her native country, Cameroon. The Sainte-Justine les Timous educational complex was accordingly created in 2006. A few years later, in 2010, its French pendant, the nonprofit Les Timous France, was created, for the purpose of accompanying the development of the Timous educational complex.

Learning self-sufficiency

Recognized by the Cameroon Education Ministry, the Timous childcare facility accommodates about 50 children aged 3 months to 3 years, with the aim of making them flourish in a reassuring space, adjusted to their rhythm, and teaching them self-sufficiency. From its inception, the facility has been running on its own resources, but needs financing to connect to the Yaoundé drinking water main, with the construction of a water reservoir and the purchase of a generator to achieve self-sufficiency, given the many blackouts and water cutoffs. For technical decisions demanding expertise, a local supervisor will be present and the Timous-France nonprofit will monitor the launch of the operations and the acceptance of the finished project.

This project, presented in 2011, could not be supported due to the lack of co-funding. Accompanied by the foundation, the nonprofit worked hard to review the project and to find potential partners. Prodeso (France-Cameroon joint development program) replied favorably on September 6, 2013, and the foundation then decided to assist this fine educational project.