Humanitarian and Development
Paris, France
David Poinard
€20,000 to the Selection Committee at 2011/10/20
Project leader
The Solidarité Eau program was born in 1984, during the international decade for drinking water and sanitation, from the determination of European ministers of the environment to enhance European cooperation in the field of water. It constitutes a network of French and foreign organizations operating in the sectors of water, sanitation and outreach (local authorities, NGOs, researchers, water professionals, water boards, corporate foundations, etc.) and promotes the connecting of the players to make the outreach projects between France and the countries of the South even more effective. It has today become a vital player in international cooperation in the field of water and sanitation, initiating many discussions of actions in this field in several countries. It gathers together a very large number of stakeholders, who find counsel, support, information, training, capitalization, assessment, to advance in their cooperation practices.
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pS-Eau is reinforcing its digital services, by developing its website, consolidating the animation of platforms for exchange and cooperation on target countries, and even better mobilizing the players through the promotion of decentralized cooperation.
pS-Eau remains on permanent standby and provides the players with news of the sector, the situation of access to water and sanitation in the developing countries, sectoral policies in each country of preferred action of French players, initiatives and experiments underway, technologies adapted to the players and to the target countries... This information is circulated by the Internet site, targeted mailings and a digital library whose compilation was supported in 2010 by the Veolia Foundation. The aim today is to structure the web pages better, to create new ones on each country, and to expand the references in the digital library.
Since 2009, pS-Eau has also initiated an approach with the Madagascar NGO Cite aimed to improve the quality and effectiveness of the water access and sanitation projects conducted by decentralized and nongovernmental cooperation, and to ensure their consistency with the national strategy of Madagascar by developing the "Ran'Eau" network. A pilot phase served to identify the key players and to construct the first digital tools. Today, the ideas to consolidate the results achieved in terms of identification and utilization of the players, support, counsel and dialogues (creation of online contact forms, a mapping software, liaison bulletins, an online database on training, circulation of the documentation, organization of meetings, etc.).
... And teach better
Finally, in order to increase international mobilization and solidarity, pS-Eau is encouraging the potential players to engage in financing projects in the water and sanitation sectors and in centralizing the information on the financial commitments. It is now focusing on carrying out a study on the characterization of the projects and partnerships.
Alongside Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and Agence régionale de l'environnement d'Île-de-France, the Veolia Foundation is financing these documentary developments, which will help to better grasp the contexts in which it is called to take action, and thereby offer more counsel and support to the project leader.
Domain: Humanitarian and Development
Country: Madagascar
Endowment: 2012/10/09
Cooperation and exchanging experiences between all the players in water and sanitation, particularly those involved in non governmental and decentralized cooperation.
Domain: Humanitarian and Development
Endowment: 2009/09/29
Putting online the data collected by the Water Solidarity Program since its creation.