Humanitarian & development
Kendié (Mali)
Isabelle Vulliez
€52,500 at the 10/4/18 Selection Committee
Project Owner
ADED (Association for Sustainable Development)
"This is a worthwhile project in this region of Mopti; a region I know well, having already supported the Solidarité Kendié association in the Dogon Region several years ago."
Isabelle Vulliez
Since being founded in 1996, the Association pour un développement durable au Mali (ADED) has been monitoring and evaluating the development initiatives aimed at both rural and urban communities. The association has a multi-disciplinary team of development workers.
It is developing a water access project with the Veolia Foundation's support in the village of Kentaba Lèye in the rural area of Kendié in the Dogon Region. The landscape in the area is very hilly. Villages are located on hillsides and cliffsides and consequently installing water supply points is quite a challenge. Several solutions have been trialled, in particular the installation of manually-operated pumps in some villages by the regional water board and by NGOs working in the area. However, to date, over half of the population continues to obtain water from puddles of runoff at the bottom of the cliffs.
In this context, ADED is planning to install an improved village water supply system in the village of Kentaba Lèye. A borehole and a mini-network will supply five standpipes. At the same time, the association will educate and raise the awareness of the villagers about operating the network. Drinking water service users' committees in the local districts will be bolstered. The objective is clear - the living conditions of the district's 25,143 inhabitants should markedly improve.