Supported projects

Since its creation in 2004, the Foundation has helped more than 1,500 projects and carried out nearly 200 skills missions.

Environment & Biodiversity
Prefigure a coalition to bring together 1,000 representatives and 1 billion of the planet's inhabitants affected by rising sea levels.
Environment & Biodiversity
Tara Polar Station: studying the Arctic, sentinel of the climate
Humanitarian & Development
Support for the NGO's operations to combat water scarcity and safety training for staff during operations.
Environment & Biodiversity
An operation to raise public awareness of biodiversity by creating a work of plant and human art near the Place de l'Etoile.
Humanitarian & Development
Supplying drinking water and renovating public toilets in Nepalese villages.
Humanitarian & Development
Promoting environmentally-friendly farming practices in Senegal through a women's economic interest group.
Social & Employment
Regional development of a network of speech and eloquence training courses for prisoners.
Environment & Biodiversity
Explore the links between human societies and aquatic environments along the Saône and Rhône rivers.
Social & Employment
Support for the ActiviTeil employment company in the commune of Le Teil, Ardèche, as part of the Territoires Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée (TZCLD) integration program.
Social & Employment
Support for the Espacea employment company in the Pontchateau area, Loire-Atlantique, as part of the Territoires Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée (TZCLD) program.
Social & Employment
Support for the Acsomur employment company in the Ménimur area of Vannes, as part of the Territoires Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée (TZCLD) integration program.
Social & Employment
Support for the Nouvelle Equation employment company in Joinville, Champagne, as part of the Territoires Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée (TZCLD) integration program.
Social & Employment
Support for Emile et Rosa, an employment company operating in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, as part of the Territoires Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée (TZCLD) scheme.
Occasional support for an association for young people in difficulty based in Marseille.
Social & Employment
Supporting SMEs and VSEs on their path towards inclusive enterprise.
Social & Employment
Support for the Bouffémont Attainville Moisselles area, a candidate for the Territoires Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée (TZCLD) integration scheme.
Humanitarian & Development
Purchase of child hygiene equipment for displaced populations in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Burkina Faso
Humanitarian & Development
Construction of a drinking water supply system and five boreholes in villages around Ouéléni (Burkina Faso).
Humanitarian & Development
Infrastructure to supply water to four schools and a health facility on Rusinga Island on Lake Victoria (Kenya).
Humanitarian & Development
Composting toilets to solve sanitation problems and facilitate access to agricultural fertilizers.
Ivory Coast
Environment & Biodiversity
Programme to protect the Mé River in Côte d'Ivoire.
Environment & Biodiversity
Creation of a thrift shop in Paris dedicated to sportswear and accessories.
Social & Employment
Support for the Val d'Emploi employment company in Livron (Drôme) as part of the Territoires Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée (TZCLD) scheme.
Environment & Biodiversity
Restoration of wetlands in communal areas.
Social & Employment
Development of integration activities around the circular economy of materials.
Social & Employment
Creation of an edible forest in the Parc Maugrand, a mining park in the heart of Montceau-les-Mines.
Humanitarian & Development
Support for the Cercle Action internationale, an advocacy forum for foundations with international commitments.
Social & Employment
Creation of micro-entrepreneurship training centers in India and Indonesia.
Social & Employment
Deployment of an economic and professional integration program: Zero long-term unemployment districts
Costa Rica
Environment & Biodiversity
Development of a plastic waste recycling workshop in Costa Rica
Humanitarian & Development
Support for the online magazine "Défis humanitaires".
Environment & Biodiversity
A think tank to mobilize and convince people about the oceans
Humanitarian & Development
Experiments and research on sustainable aquaponics with women's MSEs in Senegal. Ar Jeeguen program.
Environment & Biodiversity
Setting up a recycling centre (collection, sale, recovery) dedicated to building and public works materials in the Vannes area.
Environment & Biodiversity
Setting up a local circular economy loop for bio-waste in a district of Angers.
Environment & Biodiversity
Mission Bougainville: to set up the first innovative campaign to collect data on all the world's seas and oceans.
Environment & Biodiversity
TREC expedition: for a new understanding of coastal ecosystems
Humanitarian & Development
Support for the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) working group in the context of crises and fragility.
Humanitarian & Development
Chemical analysis of latrine sludge from a camp in Lebanon to assess the performance of bioadditives.
Humanitarian & Development
Access to water programme in Mali and the Sahelian "three borders" zone: Niger, Burkina Faso and Mauritania
Vatican City
Humanitarian & Development
Technical support for a programme to provide access to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in hospitals.
Social & Employment
Conversion of a van into a mobile laundry to reach out to isolated people in the Rennes metropolitan area.
Humanitarian & Development
Rehabilitation and construction of water infrastructure in the village of Agolèdji (Benin).
Environment & Biodiversity
Creation of a waste collection, destruction and recycling plant in Nepal.
Social & Employment
Support for the integration programme of an association for the defence and protection of donkeys.