Humanitarian and Development
Mountan Soninké, commune of Fatao, Diéma district, Mali
Nassif Jahjah
15,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2008/12/02
Project leader
Bergers en Scène
Deep in the Sahel, in the Kayes region in Mali, the village of Mountan Soninké lacks access to drinking water.
The association Bergers en Scène, which develops international outreach projects with youths born in France, decided with the villagers to remedy this situation.
Since 2005, it has therefore carried out the necessary studies on the spot to determine the type of solution required ... and the means to get there.
Shortly, two employees to manage the network
It has accordingly obtained grants from the French Ministry Of Foreign Affairs and the Regional Council of Ile-de-France - as well as support from the Veolia foundation.
Very shortly, a water tower will be built and connected to a network of six standpipes.
A user's association has also been formed among the villagers to handle the future management and maintenance of the installations. It has eight unpaid volunteers and two employees: a guardian/mechanic and a manager.
In addition to the aid granted by the Foundation, the water supply project of Mountan Soninké has also benefited from the expertise of the engineers of Veoliaforce who are familiar with the area. It fits into the overall strategy of Mali to provide access to drinking water in all the villages.