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Welcoming and taking charge of the street children of Burkina Faso

Voyages séjours découverte is creating an organization in the town of Kokologho to welcome the street children and give them a chance to escape a life of misery.

Social and Employment

Kokologho, Burkina Faso

Patrice Hut

20,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2009/01/27

Project leader

Voyages séjours Découverte (VSD)

Site Internet de L'association Voyages séjours Découverte

« As a sponsor, I decided to back this project because I find it realistic, concrete and effective. And it is particularly important for me, because through my HR occupation and my teaching experience, I'm convinced that one of the solutions in this part of the world can be found through education that enables the men and women to take charge of their destinies. »

Patrice Hut

The association Voyages séjours Découverte (VSD), created in 1999, has been striving for the past eight years to support development projects in West Africa, for literacy, backing for schools and training centres, as well as the creation of village cooperatives, the construction of truck farming wells and the setting up of microcredits. Now solidly established, it has the advantage of a thorough familiarity with the area, the population and the local stakeholders, so that it can conduct its projects from start to finish, from conception to perpetuation, because it follows them up after completion.

The VSD project, the construction of a socio-educational structure in Kokologho, some 45 km from Ouagadougou, is aimed to take these children from the streets and help them find a social status by training them in agricultural work with environment-friendly techniques. The idea is to offer the youths the means to return to their villages in the medium term, with the possibility of earning a living and then raising a family.

Outreach, workforce development and environmental conservation


The future welcoming centre will be built in several successive steps: first the building to accommodate the youths, the building intended for literacy courses, for the administrative team and to accommodate the teaching crew, as well as a store for the food bank. Next will come the training workshops and the section housing the village cooperative. Once this is done, all the inhabitants of the village will receive the benefit of the knowhow and techniques that are taught there.

The association takes charge of half of the funding required to build the structures, and also includes experts who guarantee the quality of its work, thereby strengthening the assurance of its investment and of the role that it expects to play locally.

Other project supported

Voyages Séjours Découvertes
Domain : Humanitaire et Développement
Country : Burkina Faso
Endowment : 05/06/2012

Electrification and water supply for an agricultural training center in Burkina Faso.