The Veolia Foundation's Water and Sanitation activities in Mali

Active in Mali since 2004, present in 5 of the 8 regions as well as the District of Bamako, the Foundation supports decentralised cooperation programmes in line with local development programmes developed by Malian communities. In 2018, the Foundation worked on a new area: access to drinking water in the northern zones, especially in the Gao region. The Foundation's commitment also addresses the issue of sanitation in Bamako.


Population (2017): 18.54 million
(source: World Bank)

29 projects carried out

941 d/p sponsorship (assignment day/person)
€1 682K financial sponsorship (the foundation's financial contribution)

515 000 beneficiaries

District of Bamako

District of Bamako

  • Location: Bamako
  • Action: in order to improve the poor management of household waste collection and treatment, the Veolia Foundation undertook, in partnership with the Malian Ministry of Environment and French decentralised cooperation, to provide EIGs with their skills and expertise.
  • Key partners : Malian Ministry of the Environment
  • The Foundation's financial contribution:  €150 K  

Bamako, in the Banconi Dianguinébougou District, Municipality I in the Bamako District

  • Action: in order to mitigate the chronic shortage of drinking water, construction and implementation of a water supply system in the district of Banconi Dianguinebougou
  • Main partners:  Eau et Environnement du Sahel (EDS)
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €110 K

Sikora district Farada - municipality 1 in the Bamako district

  • Action: supply the Sikoro Farada district with drinking water by extending the existing network and increasing water production. Train the population in the sustainable management of water resource structures
  • Main partners: Energie, Eau et Environnement du Sahel (EDS) (Sikoro Farada - Municipality I)
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €96 K 

Senou, district on the outskirts of the Bamako district

  • Action: improve the water supply to Senou by building a mini-network of standpipes supplied by a borehole and strengthening the organisational capacities of the EIG for its management.
  • Main partners: Association for Sustainable Development (ADD)
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €45 K 

Samaya – district on the outskirts of Bamako

  • Action: drill a borehole equipped with a solar-powered pump in the Major Seminary of Samaya to supply the population with drinking water. The solar-powered pump must also be connected to the existing water tower, with water treatment.
  • Main partners: The Major Seminary of Samaya
  • ​The Foundation's financial contribution: €30 K 

Village of Sirakoro-Meguetana on the outskirts of Bamako

  • Action: construction of a mini-water network and installation of a lighting system to secure water points, and awareness-raising and training on the management of water and production facilities.
  • Main partners: NGO Energie, Eau et Environnement du Sahel (Sirakoro - Municipality 1)
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €13 K 

Daoudabougou, Bamako municipality 5

  • Action: strengthen the capacities of a Malian EIG specialised in waste collection. 
  • Main partners: Association Un Jour, une Pensée
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €6 K 


Gao region

> In progress in 2018

WAPIDI project – Gao

  • Location: 15 areas in Gao and 15 villages within a 30-km radius of Gao
  • Action: Project to build 30 water supply systems equipped with solar-powered pumps and sanitation.
  • Skills sponsorship: Foundation experts (5) sent out: 100 days/person

> Previously....

Inarankadane, Ménaka Circle

  • Action: as part of the renovation of the village school, construction of dry latrines and a 60-metre well to improve learning and teaching conditions for students and teachers.
  • Main partners: SJB (Saint-Jean-de-Boiseau) amitiés internationales
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €22 K 

Touareg village of Tin Aoukert - Gao Circle

  • Action:  Return an existing borehole to service to prevent the concentration of populations around the only water source in Tin Aouker.  Installation of a photovoltaic pumping station: Solar panels supply a submerged pump at the bottom of the 60-metre borehole. The water pumped to the surface is stored in a tank. The lives of people and herds are no longer ruled by the constant search for new water sources.
  • Main partners: Association Imbidjadj Solidarité, City of Saint-Martin d’Uriage, Malian company AVELUX.
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €10 K 

Gao Circle

  • Action: Appraisal and technical support assignment to adapt, in a pilot district, the projects under review by the municipality as part of its Strategic Sanitation Plan. Field diagnosis and formulation of technical recommendations (individual and collective wastewater management, sludge management and treatment).
  • Main partners: Greater Nancy, NANCIE, International Association of Francophone Mayors, Rhine-Meuse Water Agency, Gao urban municipality.
  • Skills sponsorship: 15 days/person

Timbuktu region

15 villages in the Niafunké Circle

  • Actions 
    Niafunke 1: water supply system in every village thanks to solar-powered pumping. The aim is to equip each village with a borehole and infrastructure adapted to the needs expressed by communities (pipes, public standpipes, water towers) for better water use in the region.  Latrines designed to allow biogas recovery have also been installed in some villages.
    Niafunke 2: a water supply system that generates carbon credits. This reduces the selling price of water therefore expanding access to drinking water in this extremely poor area. To complete the installation works and prepare this training programme, several volunteers succeeded each other in the field in 2009 and 2010. An expert was also seconded for a year and another four for four months.
  • Main partners: PADL, Ministry of the Environment, the Association ARP Développement, the Gold Standard Foundation, the Vitol Foundation.
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €285 K 

Municipality of Alafia, Timbuktu Circle

  • Action: drilling two boreholes equipped with solar-powered pumps and provision of their accessories and water tanks in the Koriomé and Tissinssak schools in the rural municipality of Alafia (attached to the urban area of Timbuktu). It is divided into two main parts: works and awareness-raising and training on water management and production facilities.
  • Main partners: Association Les Anges de l'eau
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €45 K 

Saraféré, municipality of Fittouga in the Niafunke Circle

  • Action: renovation of a water supply system with a solar-powered pumping system.
  • Main partners: Association Energie – Eau et Environnement du Sahel
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €20 K 

Municipalities of Soumpi and N’Gorkou, Niafunké Circle

  • Action:  Drilling boreholes equipped with solar-powered pumping systems and construction of mini-water supply systems.
  • Main partners: Niafunké Solena
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €40 K 


Kayes region

The Yélimané Circle (administrative equivalent of a French department), composed of 11 rural municipalities, 1 urban municipality, and 94 villages

  • Action: In 2004, Montreuil launched the Yélimané Sustainable Development Support Programme (PADDY). This exemplary programme is part of Mali's water decentralisation policy, with the aim of improving water access in municipalities while strengthening local skills for the sustainable management of infrastructure. On the other hand, the originality of PADDY is to encourage, between several villages, the sharing of water resources and infrastructure project management. In this context, there has been restoration and extension of access to drinking water in Yélimané, capital of the Circle, and three neighbouring villages. This involved the design and implementation of a water infrastructure development project; in-depth technical studies, major consultation work with the population, construction of two boreholes and a 10-km network supplying standpipes and private connections, training, and awareness-raising.
  • Main partners: City of Montreuil, Syndicat des Eaux d’Ile-de-France, migrant associations, beneficiary municipalities, Eau Vive, Water Resources Department, pS-Eau.
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €240 K - 260 days/person

Municipalities of Diafounou Tambacara, Diafounou Gory, Fanga, Gory, Guidime, Kirane Kaniaga, Konsiga, Kremis, Marekhaffo, Soumpou, Toya, and Tringa

  • Action: development of 23 market gardens directly benefiting 700 families under the Yélimané Sustainable Development Support Programme (PADDY) in Mali. Market gardening is a theme promoted by the Foundation which participates in an economic reflection on the creation of income-generating activities to facilitate access to water.
  • Main partners: AFAK, Malian Ministry of Agriculture
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €50 K 

Gory Banda and Yaguiné Banda, Yélimané Circle


  • Action: Construction of an interconnected drinking water supply system between the villages of Gory Banda and Yaguine Banda including the equipment of two boreholes and a 6-km drinking water network supplying 11 public standpipes.
  • Main partners: Association Eau Vive 
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €40 K


  • Action: Improvement of the drinking water distribution for the two villages with extensions and private connections to the supply network.
  • Main partners: Association intercommunautaire pour l'acces à l'eau potable à Gory Banda et Yaguine Banda (AICE2B)
  • The Veolia Foundation's contribution: €2.5 K

Sero Diamanou, capital of the municipality, includes 18 villages and 19 hamlets, Kayes Circle

  • Action: The 'Drinking water in Séro' project aims to supply drinking water to a population of approximately 20 000 in the rural municipality of Séro Diamanou by improving the drinking water supply system of the village of Séro consisting of a borehole and water tower and equipping it with improvements, such as solar-powered pumping.
  • Main partners: Espoir des Villages de Séro
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €40 K

Guenikoro, Kita Circle

  • Action: In addition to local action to improve food self-sufficiency (construction of irrigation systems for crops and pastures, training, etc.) and access to health and basic education services (schools, dispensary, etc.), drilling a borehole, construction of a water tower and a drinking water supply network.  
  • Main partners: AADESCT (Association d’amitié pour le développement économique, social et culturel de Tomboloa), migrant associations (Vitry-sur-Seine).
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €40 K

Galé and Limakolé, Kita Circle

  • Action: Installation of a drinking water supply system in the Galé/Limakolé zone including wells, pumping station, treatment, and distribution via standpipes.
  • Main partners: SYNERGIE Environnement
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €20 K 

Moutan Soninke, municipality of Fatao, Diéma Circle

  • Action: construction of a water tower and distribution network, with the installation of six standpipes in different areas of the municipality. In the interest of sustainability, the project also includes support by a local organisation and the creation of a user association to manage the infrastructure.
  • Main partners: Association Bergers en Scène, migrant associations, Ministry of Foreign affairs (Co-development Priority Solidarity Fund), Île-de-France regional council, Water Resources Department.
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €15 K 

Mopti region

> Under way in 2018....

Kendié: Bandiagara Circle (Dogon country)

  • Action: construction of a mini-water network of five standpipes and the establishment of management committee for the Dogon village of Kentaba Lèye in the rural municipality of Kendié.
  • Main partners: Association for Sustainable Development (ADD)
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €52.5 K 

> Previously....


Koumi and Nerekoro, Kolokani Circle

  • Action: to mitigate the total lack of modern infrastructure, construction of two water supply systems in these villages. The boreholes, equipped with solar-powered pumping, each supply a metal water tower and a network of standpipes. Project management is municipal and delegated water control is provided by the Ministry's Water Resources Department.
  • Main partners: Energie Eau & Environnement du Sahel
  • The Foundation's financial contribution:  €150 K  

47 villages of the ten rural municipalities in the Kati and Dioïla Circles

  • Action: sustainable improvement of access to drinking water and sanitation through the construction and decentralised management of water and sanitation infrastructure:
    - training and equipment of ten individuals for  pump repair
    - establishment of four mutual pump repair groups
    - tendering for 12 wells
    - drilling of 12 boreholes
    - construction of 94 family latrines
    - supply of drinking water stations
  • Main partners: Association Eau Vive
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €40 K  

Kobolo - Banamba Circle

  • Action: Equipment of a community health centre with a water supply system using a system based on a photovoltaic-powered pump, a water tower, and four standpipes. Sanitation work was also carried out, including the construction of five blocks of three latrines. In all, the lives of the some 8 000 people in fourteen villages have been changed by this significant improvement in the living conditions at the hospital.
  • Main partners: Gentilly, Agence de l’Eau Seine-Normandie, Mali Association for Solidarity and International Cooperation for Development (AMSCID).
  • The Foundation's financial contribution: €30 K