Some 20 experts discussed Philanthropy for development on 14 September. Based on the illuminating content of the OECD report entitled Private philanthropy for development, the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the French Foundation Centre arranged a discussion morning on this very topic.
The topic fuelled a roundtable discussion on best philanthropic practice "in order to work together for development". Thierry Vandevelde, the Veolia Foundation's executive officer, took part in the meeting alongside representatives of the Institut de France (learned society), the French Development Agency, the Chanel and UP Group foundations.
He reiterated the urgent need to work together in order to be more effective on the ground. Indeed, the Veolia Foundation is at the root of hybrid partnerships to combat cholera in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The foundation has been involved since 2007 in a wide-ranging programme to renovate water access infrastructure and has brought together several international players, both financial backers and scientific experts, to work alongside the public authorities in the country. The foundation's unflagging work over more than a decade is a good example of the steadfastness required when running development projects.