First prize
Humanitarian and Development | Burundi | 2014/05/23
Topo sans frontières, student association of l'Ecole supérieure des Géomètres et Topographes (College of Surveyors)
First prize was awarded to Topo sans frontiers, the student association of l'Ecole supérieure des Géomètres et Topographes for a property security project in two communes of Burundi carried out by surveying and topography students. The students trained land managers and helped local officials to establish survey reference maps and land certificates to resolve conflicts.
Second prize
Social and Employment | Congo | 2014/05/23
ISTOM Student Environmental Expertise (ISEE), an association of the Ecole supérieure d'agro-développement (ISTOM) de Cergy
Second prize went to ISTOM Student Environmental Expertise (ISEE), an association of the Ecole supérieure d'agro-développement (ISTOM) de Cergy for its feasibility study of an operation to create a system for the production, processing and marketing of Gambia tea in the Kouilou region of Congo. The transformation of the lippia multifora plant into essential oil, powder and infusion will enable local economic development with low environmental impact and create jobs.
Third prize
Humanitarian and Development | Mexico | 2014/05/23
Mexisol, the association of the Ecole Polytech'Montpellier school, and Nana Xhimai, a student association for renewable energies from the Universidad technologica del Valle del Mesquital (Hidalgo, Mexico region)
Third prize was awarded to Mexisol, the association of the Ecole Polytech'Montpellier school, and Nana Xhimai, a student association for renewable energies from the Universidad technologica del Valle del Mesquital (Hidalgo, Mexico region). Building and installing of solar-powered facilities in the disadvantaged communities of Hidalgo province in Mexico.
"Special prize"
Social and Employment | China | 2014/05/23
Hand in Hand Association of the Skema Business School
The "Special prize" was won by the Hand in Hand Association of the Skema Business School. Organizing educational activities and counseling disadvantaged youths, children of migrant workers, schooled in Suzhou, by students doing their school year in China.
The Student Solidarity Awards are designed to encourage initiative and involvement in public service projects by students at higher education institutions. They reward innovative approaches that contribute to sustainable development in one of the three foundation focus areas: development aid, social cohesion and supporting employment and protecting the environment and biodiversity.
The winners are rewarded with financial and / or technical support in the form of expertise through a skills sponsorship program involving employees of Veolia in France and abroad.