Over a period of four weeks, participants will learn about practices related to restoring, improving, and creating ecosystems. Issues related to the degradation and pollution of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems will also be studied through the intervention of recognized scientific experts from various disciplines and establishments. The scientific director of this ecological engineering MOOC is Luc Abbadie, Ecologist, Professor at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Director of the Bioemco laboratory / Institut d’Écologie and Sciences de l’Environnement de Paris (CNRS UPMC, IRD, INRA , UPEC, ENS). Registering couldn’t be simpler: the course is free and open to everyone.
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The Veolia Foundation, partnering Uved
This ecological engineering course benefits from the assistance of the Veolia Foundation which has already supported two other Uved MOOCs: the first on the theme of biodiversity (2014), the second on the causes and challenges of climate change (2015).