Social and Employment
Seine-Saint-Denis, France
Francis Angotti
15 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/07/03
Project leader
The Association pour le Logement des Jeunes Travailleurs (ALJT) created 50 years ago, manages 26 residences in Ile-de-France, accommodating 6000 youths every year.
Sustainable Development at the Heart of Young Workers' Homes
The ALJT wants to enlist its 150 employees in a sustainable development approach to establish environment-friendly operations in the management of its homes: energy conservation, use of recycled products, etc.
As a natural extension of the operation, the youths accommodated by the association will also be indoctrinated. Each home will shortly be equipped with a two-container waste bin. The homes concerned are located in the Plaine Commune built-up community, whose municipalities have organized source-separated waste collection. The young workers of the commune will shortly be deeply engaged in the source separation approach.