Environment and Biodiversity
Island of Bondésir, France
Magali Martin
22 500 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/07/03
Project leader
"The Conservatoire Régional du Patrimoine Naturel is a repository of trust. Its desire to enable the largest number of people to share this site is extraordinary. And it is ineligible for subsidies for the handicapped and sight-impaired: while the project is unanimously supported by all parties, it fails to meet the aid criteria. The grant from the Veolia Environnement Foundation is therefore particularly precious."
Magali Martin
The island of Bondésir, located in the Loire not far from Tours, has been abandoned for many years. Classed a World Heritage of Humanity by Unesco, this 60 acre space is the home to many gulls and terns. To preserve its biodiversity, the Conservatoire du Patrimoine Naturel de la Région Centre (CPNRC) wants to organize the protection and management of this natural site. The CPNRC, already engaged on 84 sites and 5000 acres, has set the goal of redeveloping the island of Bondésir, with two objectives: to sensitize the public to the conservation of the island; and to open it up to the public at large, particularly handicapped persons.
A Pedagogical Trail with the "Tourism and Handicap" Label
To enhance the ecological heritage of the island, the association wants to create a pedagogical interpretation trail. One to five kilometers long, the public can discover the river, its islets and its fauna, particularly the birds. To make the itinerary accessible to all, the CPNRC has formed a steering committee of several associations dedicated to handicapped persons. Earning the "tourism and handicap" label entails many adjustments: guidance systems, Braille translations, etc. All these requirements will be taken into account in planning the three promenades. By financing this project, the Veolia Foundation is participating in the construction of the reception area, the routing, information boards and literature for the sight impaired.