Environment and Biodiversity
Agnès Cossolini
10 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2009/09/29
Project leader
With over twenty years of experience and a pool of 5000 mayors gathered around its activities, the nonprofit, recognized by the French Ecology Ministry (MEEDDAT) as experts in the area of sustainable development in the service of the territorial authorities, has the dynamism and legitimacy needed to set up new projects in the service of these authorities.
The initial approach pursues five objectives: battling climate change; conserving biodiversity (environments and resources); enhancing individual development; offering social cohesion and solidarity between places and generations; and dynamizing development in line with responsible modes of production and consumption. The "Notre Village Terre d'Avenir" label, based on the environment, the economy and social issues, needs long-term validation and certification, which demands tools (Declaration of Rights and Duties of the Villages of France, Specifications, etc.), an approach (audit inspection, diagnosis, zero situation, etc.) and authentification (attributes and graduation).
Accompanying the mayors of the communes concerned in their determination to protect their environment
Since 2006, 20 villages have been accompanied and labeled for the establishment of an Agenda 21, an action program for the XXIst century focused on sustainable development, pursuant to the Declaration of Rio de Janeiro (June 1992) observed by the signatory countries, including France. They have to be evaluated today in order to intensify the commitment of a wide ranging community, which derives its meaning and permanence in the accompaniment and pursuit of the approach. This procedure makes it indispensable to create efficient evaluation tools and to reinforce the presence of the association in contact with elected officials and their precincts.
An evaluation scale is being prepared by a specialized agency. It will be tested on three communes by the end of the year. Indicators covering the key challenges of MEEDDAT's national sustainable development strategy, as well as transversality, are also indispensable to the validity and permanence of the label.
These measures are especially necessary because the awareness raising impact of the Notre Village nonprofit on elected officials demands its dissemination throughout the country. It is accordingly expanding its regional network, starting with Southeastern France (July 1, 2009).