Humanitarian and Development
Philippe Guyarde
Nantes, France and Logouale, Ivory Coast
10 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2009/03/31
Project leader
Among other technical courses, the professional high school of La Chauvinière, in Nantes, trains its students to pass the professional diploma of "Maintenance Technician for Energy and Climatic Systems".
To make sure that the education dispensed matches the reality of market demands, it has concluded a partnership with the Veolia Environnement Atlantique campus and the Vocational Training and Learning Directorate of the Regional Council of the Pays de Loire.
This is how it connected with the Veolia foundation to complete a fine partnership project with similar high school in Côte d'Ivoire.
Shortly, a new professional section at Logouale
Alongside their teachers, a class of thirteen junior high school students working toward a professional diploma, will in fact build and complete a cold room starting with the next school reopening. Once the engineering has been completed, it will be transported to Côte d'Ivoire, and then installed permanently in the Le Cripal agricultural high school in Logouale.
Over there, the new equipment will provide educational support for the future "refrigeration and airconditioning techniques" section that the Côte d'Ivoire high school wants to inaugurate. Then, to ensure the effective transfer of expertise, a Côte d'Ivoire teacher will travel to France to complete his technical training on the Veolia Environnement campus - for the theoretical aspect - and with Dalkia teams - for the practical aspect.
The grant from the Veolia foundation will help finance the purchase of the cold room and part of its equipment.
Other project supported
Lycée Monge - La Chauvinière
Domain : Humanitaire et Développement
Country : Bénin
Endowment : 06/03/2012
Constructing, transporting and installing a cold room to produce ice in Ouessé by the students of a vocational school in Nantes.