Social and Employment
Farihy Sahambavy, Madagascar
Pierre-Joël Philibert
€40,000 at the committee meeting on 26/04/2017
Project Owner
"I know Simon Virlogeux, who is behind this great project, well – he is also director of the mayor’s office in the 9th arrondissement in Lyon. The aim of the project is to create an industrial tool for distilling local alcohol and transforming it into medical alcohol for sale to hospitals in Madagascar. I am committed to following this project closely." Pierre-Joël Philibert
Another association called "Villes en Transition" is behind ITD Monde. Created in 1995 by urban planners, it brings together architects and development stakeholders in Lyon and Grenoble. A network of development professionals is now the life force of ITD Monde. From its headquarters in Lyon its aim is to provide assistance to the world’s poorest people. In Madagascar, it is organizing the transformation of an alcoholic drink into denatured medical alcohol which is then marketed.
The project’s success depends on adapting the building and the production equipment belonging to the cooperative in Sahambavy - a rural municipality in Madagascar. Testing the equipment and establishing procedures for its use in a cost-effective way is also necessary. In addition the production materials, including fuel, have to be purchased and stored.
As regards employees, the cooperative’s technicians and administrators will be financially supported by ITD Monde. In partnership with local institutions, the association will train distillers and cooperative members on good alcohol rectification practices and on the production of essential oils. The goal is to ensure continuous regular production of medical alcohol.
The activity will also be a means of raising awareness of the dangers of alcohol when consumed in large quantities. The theme will be tackled by ITD Monde's local partners, particularly in health centres. The project the Veolia Foundation is supporting helps develop an economic sector while also improving the region’s healthcare environment.