Humanitarian and Development
Wolokonto, Burkina Faso
Thierry Legube
€13,000 to the Selection Committee at 2013/10/15
Project leader
Association des Professionnels et des Elèves de la spécialité Matériaux de Construction Géotechnique Génie Civil (APEMC G GC)
L'association des professionnels et des élèves de la spécialité matériaux de construction géotechnique génie civil (APEMC G GC) is a nonprofit of students who maintain relations between the different generations of students of the National Engineering School of Poitiers (ENSIP) and promotes the professional integration of the new graduates. During their studies, it also works to support students' initiatives and to organize conferences and training courses.
Among its projects, with the support of the Foundation, it has built a small drinking water system with a solar pump in the village of Wolokonto, in southeast Burkina Faso. Completed with the Burkina Faso company Microsow, in charge of scaling and costing the installation, it was inaugurated in June 2011.
First water supply, then lighting
In August 2011, four ENSIP students travelled to Wolokonto to assess the other needs, particularly for the lighting of the college and Center for Health and Social Promotion, comprising a dispensary and a maternity ward, using photovoltaic installations. Contact was again made with Microsow in Ouagadougou for the scaling and costing of the installations.
Proper lighting for the college and dispensary of Wolokonto
Alongside the City of Poitiers and Synergie Solaire, the Foundation is joining this new project, particularly to finance the photovoltaic Equipment.