Environment and Biodiversity
Eisenach (Land de Thüringen), Germany
Thomas Kamerseder
€7,500 to the Selection Committee at 2011/10/20
Project leader
Förderverein der Evangelischen Grundschule Eisenach
"Being a passionate gardener myself, I find this educational and environmental project via the creation of a green class terribly exciting. I plan to get involved in it personally."
Thomas Kamerseder
The nonprofit Förderverein was created in 2008 by parents and teachers of the Eisenach Primary School - a school itself the product of a parental initiative, which quickly merged with the environmental movement by becoming an "umweltschule" (environment school). Förderverein's missions are to organize and cofinance activities that contribute to the social and cultural life of the school. Thus, since its creation, it has invested in providing the school with educational or technical equipment, and organizes fetes, events and excursions throughout the school year.
Nature, an ideal place for children to learn
To increase its accommodation capacity, the Eisenach Evangelical Primary School moved to a new building in 2009, with a surrounding plot. One of the major challenges of the non-profit is to contribute to the development of this land, including the creation of a green class. Starting with the idea that nature is an ideal place for children to learn, the green class will enable them to discover the ecological, social and societal aspects. It will also stimulate them to reflect on issues such as water, the landscape, ecosystems... with the avowed purpose of finding them actively involved in their conservation in the future.