Social and Employment
Lhôpiteau, commune of Voves, France
Jérôme Quesnel
€8,000 to the Selection Committee at 2011/01/18
Project leader
Jardin Soli-Bio
The nonprofit Jardin Soli-Bio was created in January 2009 for the purpose of social integration and workforce development through business activity, for publics having difficulties with the working world. Installed in an existing four hectare farm, at Lhôpiteau, a hamlet in the commune of Voves, the nonprofit has been developing a truck farming activity since 2010, in full compliance with organic farming standards.
The project is associated with the Jardins de Cocagne network, in a rural area, as another way to enhance the agricultural aspect of the cantons of the Beauce country.
The sale of produce - production will ultimately include more than 70 varieties of vegetables - is carried out by distributing baskets reserved for the members
(80 per week for the time being).
The first back-to-work gardeners worked on cultivation in April 2010 and the first harvest were gathered in summer
Three modular buildings have been bought to accommodate the personnel reception structure, the technical rooms, and to store the tools and seeds. From five employees in April, Jardin Soli-Bio now has a team of 15 integrated truck farmers and four staff in charge of running the structure.
The gamble to install a project far from the Chartres urban area appears to have been won due to the deep involvement of the territorial authorities.
The immediate investments planned concern site access and development operations, with the installation of an independent wastewater treatment system, built in anticipation of the final future premises.
The Veolia Foundation has contributed to the financing of this project, which satisfies all the guidelines concerned by sustainable development.