Humanitarian and Development
Dounawa, Zinder region, Niger
Célia de Lavergne
20,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2008/07/01
Project leader
The NGO Rail-Niger
« The NGO Rail-Niger is a fast growing organization, deeply and extensively involved in the development of access to essential services for the urban populations of Niger where it is active. It is considered to be serious, dependable and effective. »
Célia de Lavergne
The brainchild of the cumulative experience of former volunteer Nigerian employees of the Association Française des Volontaires de Progrès (AFVP), the Nigerian NGO Rail-Niger has become a reference today in most of the development projects of the country.
It operates throughout the territory.
In the village of Dounawa (commune of Yakoua, Zinder region), it is mobilizing on the vital issue of access to water for the populations and livestock.
Operations handled by Nigerian contractors
Until now, the situation is in fact critical. The village only has three relatively modern wells, of which only one delivers enough water to cover the daily needs of the villagers. Every day, the women therefore have to trudge miles looking for water - some even having to cross the border into Nigeria, 9 km from home, to bring back the precious resource.
Rail-Niger therefore set the objective of facilitating the construction of water supply facilities and to set up village structures for managing the water points.
Two hand-operated wells will therefore be built by Nigerian contractors, and the population made aware of the need to maintain the water points.
The NGO will also promote good practices with the beneficiary populations in the area of hygiene.