Social and Employment
Bertrand Beuve
16 500 € to the Selection Committee at 2008/05/27
Project leader
Eureka Emplois Services
In Brittany, near Rennes, Eurêka Emplois Services (EES) has been deploying a broad range of complementary workforce development systems since 1991, designed to find employment for jobseekers and persons in difficulty. In 2007, 245 unemployed persons enjoyed the benefit of its intermediary association by working nearly 37,000 hours with private individuals (family help, garden upkeep, etc.), with other associations, or for companies and municipalities of the Brocéliande country.
In the same year, EES offered 22 persons the dynamism of the group and the support of its reintegration gardens, in order to extract them from the vicious circle of isolation and marginationalisation, a prerequisite for their integration in economic activity. At the same time, EES has been running 10 integration projects for more than 10 years, which have enabled 29 persons to find jobs in 2007, under part-time aid contracts, and to benefit from the personalised supervision of a specialised assistant.
Renewing the daily working capability
Creation and maintenance of garden paths, planting and cutting of hedges, preparation of road shoulders, riverbank protection and waterway rehabilitation: every day, the old EES van driven by a technical and educational staff member transports to these worksites appropriate equipment and the people who work in the service of the municipalities to improve their way of life. Thanks to the backing of the Veolia foundation and other partners, the association will replace it before it gives up the ghost, by a new and more appropriate vehicle (twin cab van with tipping flatbed), capable of transporting seven persons and the materials required for their activity: pickets, saplings, stones, etc. A helping hand that comes at the right time for an association that is locally recognised for the quality of its management and its action, in terms of reintegration achievements.