Social and Employment
Castelnau de Médoc and neighboring communities, France
Jean-Marie Lalanne
20,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/12/04
Project leader
Les jardins de la Médullienne
"The association's objectives are perfectly feasible. The initial projects are based exclusively on the upkeep and upgrading of natural spaces, but this gentle beginning will certainly help to perpetuate the project. This project is an asset for the whole Médoc territory."
Jean-Marie Lalanne
The Médoc, a rural area famous for its wineries, nevertheless suffers many modern headaches. Female unemployment is extremely high there, and the availability provided by workforce development remains inadequate; besides, many natural environments demand regular maintenance, whereas job opportunities associated with environmental conservation are lacking.
Faced with this dual reality, the association "Les Jardins de la Médullienne", was founded in July 2006 to invigorate a social and professional integration structure, around the environmental trades.
Progressive development
Les Jardins de la Médullienne, which is active on the territory of some ten communes around Castelnau du Médoc, has begun by accommodating twelve persons under an aided integration contract. Some projects are already classic in this area - ground clearance, upkeep of a cycle track, roadside waste recovery, cleaning of the Atlantic beaches- and others are more scientific: the association will in fact be responsible for managing the local "population" of Coypus.
To get off to a good start, Les Jardins de la Médullienne has developed partnerships with the main territorial authorities (Conseil Régional d'Aquitaine, Conseil Général de Gironde, city of Castelnau, etc.) and many private lenders. The Veolia Foundation will help it supplement its professional equipment and outfit the premises intended for the employees. Thanks to these many backers, the association already plans to diversify after a first phase of launching its activities. Thus it aims to install green waste collection facilities in the coming months, a composting site, and a flower production business.