Social and Employment
Lyon, France
Stéphanie Gast
7000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/05/22
Project leader
Foyer Notre-Dame des Sans-Abris
« It is impressive to see how this association welcomes each one according to its needs and helps people 24 hours round the clock
»Stéphanie Gast
With its 80 employees and 700 volunteers, the association Foyer Notre-Dame des sans-abris (FNDSA) in Lyon has been welcoming the most destitute families since 1950. It offers them a roof and something to eat while doing everything possible to help them reintegrate socially and professionally. In 1989, it launched an integration service which offers men in serious difficulty comprehensive support comprising accommodation, medical care, financial and professional supervision and training
Two new jobs
In addition, its integration section, staffed by 12 full-time employees and a dozen volunteers, employs 60 to 65 persons alternately to develop the used clothing and furniture collection activity. FNDSA thereby succeeds in organizing sales, during flea markets for example, from which it earns a substantial income enabling it to continue its action. To further reinforce this activity, the association has signed an agreement with the Greater Lyon municipality to install recycling stations (in modular structures) on many of the landfills of the built-up area.
The Veolia foundation has agreed to lend a hand to this association: two new jobs will be created thanks to this new initiative.