Social and Employment
Grasse, Alpes-Maritimes, France
Cyrille Lombard, Veolia Eau
28 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2007/01/31
Project leader
Auteuil insertion
Up to 95 place settings!
Founded to welcome and aid young people with difficulties, the OADA foundation has the additional mission of accompanying these youngsters until they can fly on their own. Until they have sufficient professional skills to become financially independent, the QODA will remain part of their lives. For this reason, the foundation has decided to implement an economic insertion model that will be called Auteuil Insertion.
Auteuil Insertion has found an old building in Grasse that will be perfect for a restaurant dedicated to teaching and employing groups of young people. Each of 12 employees will be given contracts and taught by two skilled trainers with the professional goal of attaining the catering CAP diploma and the ability to be 100% chef. With this training and work experience these young people should be able to find real jobs.
The menu for this program includes exotic as well as traditional cuisine that may be served in the restaurant or be sold as ready made catering and delivered. This location was chosen since it is near companies and schools that will allow for the development of this program as a business. A kindergarten canteen has already signed a contract with the program.
Currently, the restaurant is open at lunch, in the evenings on the week-end and is able to make deliveries. It can seat 45 people at one time. There are plans to expand with the addition of a covered terrace which will handle 50 more place settings. The help of AEF permits Auteuil to create an investment budget that allows for renovations particularly the kitchen.