Humanitarian and Development
Bao Thuan, province de Lam Dong, Vietnam
Laurent Phan, Veolia Eau
13,000 euro to the Selection Committee at 2006/12/05
Project leader
In southwestern Dalat, the villages located on the high plateaux of Vietnam have observed an influx of Montagnard peasants, particularly members of the K’ho ethnic minority, seeking an easier existence. This is the case of Bao Thuan, where the population has grown substantially in recent years. As a result of this situation, access to water has become insufficient to cover the needs of the entire population.
Connecting the leprosarium to the water network
Thanks to Appel, an international outreach association working in the medical, social, educational, and economic development fields, Bao Thuan is already equipped with a water supply network based on 42 collective standpipes and benefiting 4650 inhabitants, built between 1996 and 1998. The new project, to duplicate the line between the settling basin near the spring and the village center reservoir, will help to increase the capacity of the water supply system, to provide drinking water to all the inhabitants. Subsequently, another line will connect this reservoir to a neighboring leprosarium 3 km away, to be connected to the network.
The population is deeply involved, taking charge of the excavations and the refilling of the main trench 4 km long. Appel provides its technical and financial aid. fondation Veolia contributes to this indispensable project in the form of a grant and technical expertise, thanks to the involvement of Veoliaforce. To guarantee the permanence of the new installations, Appel will then train the maintenance staff among the villagers.