Social and Employment
La Ciotat, France
Laurent Beliade
20,000 € to the Selection Committee at 2006/03/28
Project leader
Etoile sportive de La Ciotat
« “To me, the originality of the project resides in the scale of the human and social accompaniment of the persons accommodated: they not only benefit from a roof over their heads, but also warm accompaniments and human relations facilitating “reconstruction” within a home with many activities. The accommodation of young people, as permitted by the alterations, will be a particularly useful service. »
Laurent Beliade
Whether in Marseille or La Ciotat, soccer is much more than a sport; it is a passion at the heart of the city life. For the educators at the Étoile sportive de La Ciotat, an affiliate association of the FFF (French Soccer Federation), it is a unique way of making contact with young people, especially those that are considered “hard cases.” Learning the values of sport helps provide balance and build personality among those most at risk.
Succeed together
However, over the year, tired of seeing that many of the teenagers frequenting the club were seriously behind in their schooling, the association felt the need to take things a step further. It decided to provide young people with help with their schoolwork and support for their social and vocational integration by launching the “Réussir ensemble” (Succeed Together) project. In addition to traditional sports activities, the association now provides an educational structure at the stadium. The aim is twofold: help young people build a project for their future and provide a solution to the distress parents often feel at their inability to help their out-of-control children.
To put this project into effect, the club needs to install in new premises four classrooms for its educational support, recruit specialist teachers and buy teaching aids.
Encouraged by local Veolia managers who recognize the effectiveness of the association’s actions, the foundation decided to provide a 20,000-euro grant to support this project that goes well beyond the traditional role of a sports club.