Restoring degraded ecosystems, cleaning up environments, creating ecological continuity and developing a more eco-friendly form of agriculture...our modern world is facing many challenges. Environmental engineering – offering “nature-based solutions” to these challenges – is being discussed more and more and its practical solutions are being increasingly applied. A Mooc supported by the Veolia Foundation offers students the chance to learn about the fundamentals, issues, tools, stakeholders and conditions for implementation.
The first session in the last quarter of 2017 attracted over 11,000 registered students. Bolstered by this success, Uved, the institution offering this Mooc with the support of the Foundation, is now organising a second course. The course will start on 23 April and will run for four weeks with students being required to do two to three hours of work a week. With videos, quizzes, debates and peer-evaluated assignments, the course aims to be fun and easy to access. The Mooc is aimed at a broad French-speaking and international audience with a professional or personal interest in environmental engineering. Go to the Uved website to register.
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