Highlight Project: Tara Expeditions

Supported by Veolia Foundation, Tara Expeditions organizes voyages to study and understand the impact of climate change and the ecological crisis facing the world's oceans.



Four Tara expeditions vere supported by the Veolia Foundation:

  • Tara Oceans (2009-2013) : An unprecedented three-year scientific expedition on all the seas of the globe (understanding the spatial organisation of ecosystems and understanding their response to atmospheric viariations).
  • Tara Mediterranean (2014) : Destination the Mediterranean to investigate the impact of plastics on the ecosystem.
  • Tara Pacific (2016-2018) : Focus on coral reefs with the aim of furthering understanding of their evolution in the face of climate change and the ecological disruptions taking place on our planet.
  • ​​Tara Microplastic Mission (2019): For six months, the schooner Tara is back on the water for a mission that will lead the team on ten rivers in Europe. Objective: characterize the flows of microplastic pollution to assess the impact of plastics from land to sea.
  • Tara Mission Microbiomes (2020-2022) : Engaged in a new two-year expedition, the schooner Tara will study the microbiome and continue its work to raise awareness among the general public and schoolchildren in particular.