Social & Employment
- Location:
Livron-sur-Drôme (France) - Sponsor:
Philippe Lagrange - Grant:
€10, 000 at the Selection Committee of 29/03/2023
Project Leader
Val d'emploi (Territoires zéro chômeur de longue durée TZCLD)
As part of the Territoire zéro chômeur de longue durée (TZCLD) program, an Entreprise à but d'emploi (EBE), Val d'emploi, was launched in Livron in January 2023.
To put an end to long-term unemployment, public and private players have come together around the "Territoires zéro chômeur de longue durée (TZCLD)" scheme. After a test phase initiated in 2017 around a dozen territories, the program was extended by the legislature at the end of 2020.
Among the employment-based enterprises (EBEs) created within this framework is Val d'Emploi, launched in Livron, Drôme, in early 2023. The project was initiated in 2018 by the Communauté de Communes du Val de Drôme (CCVD).
Several activities deployed to hire 100 people in three years
Val d'Emploi is expanding at various sites in the Livron commune, with a range of activities: a recycling center, a textile business (recycling and sewing), a mobility center (bicycles, bicycle delivery, collective transport to markets), a construction workshop using recycled wood, a food business with projects for an educational garden, an employee canteen, market gardening, enhancement of local flora and fauna, etc. The EBE, which already employs 32 people, is aiming to hire 100 people within three years.
The EBE, which already employs 32 people, is aiming to employ around 100 people within the next three years. It's an ambitious goal, commensurate with the urgent need to overcome long-term unemployment.