Social and Employment
Battambang, Cambodia
Paul de Rosen
€28,000 to the Selection Committee at 2005/02/08
Project leader
Krousar Thmey
« I highly recommend this project. It seems to me that it meets the human and sustainable effectiveness goals that we are seeking. »
Paul de Rosen
Krousar-Thmey means "New Family" and the Krousar-Thmey Association was founded in Cambodia in 1991 to take charge of children who had been abandoned or were in danger, give them shelter and offer them a moral, cultural and academic education until they reach adulthood and can look after themselves.
While holding to this primary mission, the Association quickly acquired a speciality: providing shelter to deaf or blind children and developing an educational programme adapted to their needs. For example, it has created for them a sign language in Khmer. There is actually no other organisation in Cambodia that takes responsibility for the education of these handicapped children.
Three new classes
Over nearly 15 years, the Association has grown. It has founded four schools for blind children, four for deaf children, 32 specialised classes for deaf or blind children integrated into provincial public schools, three workshops for the manufacture and publishing of books in Braille, a committee for the establishment of a Khmer sign language and a primary school in the border town of Poipet, a centre of child trafficking.
But given the scope of the need, the Association again needed to increase its capacity to accommodate more children. In its Battambang school, it has built three new classrooms, a 30-bed dormitory and a library. This extension helped create four full-time jobs for three teachers and a dormitory supervisor. Alongside the Dutch branch of Terre des Hommes and Krousar-Thmey Switzerland, the Veolia foundation has provided €28,000 to finance these works. So that more children can find a roof over their heads, rest and education suited to their needs.