Social and Employment
The cities of Battambang, Kompong Chnang, Pursat, Kompong Cham, Sen Monorom, Prey Veng and Sihanoukv, Cambodia
Pascal Soule
€6,000 to the Selection Committee at 2005/04/05
Project leader
Mission Cambodia
« This project meets a real educational need. It is supported by students who display a sincere humanitarian commitment. »
Pascal Soule
Mission Cambodge (Mission Cambodia) is an association of students of the HEC business school which was established in April 2001 to provide effective assistance to the children in several orphanages in a half-dozen Cambodian cities.
Every summer, the students go off in pairs and devote a month of their holiday to the little orphans and to the upkeep of the premises where they are housed.
School support and building maintenance
The different orphanages each take in two students, who divide their work into two sorts: they help out the adults with building renovation and they teach courses in French, English and information technology to reinforce the teaching projects carried out and succeed in giving the oldest students the best chances of professional job placement.This support then continues with orientation guidance towards universities or preparation for working life. In this way, the connections remain after school is over, as the young people who were once assisted themselves by Mission Cambodge come back for their turn to help out the children still in the orphanage.
The Veolia foundation helped Mission Cambodge for the first time in 2005 with a grant of €6,000 to renovate the buildings, and a second time in 2006.
In 2005, this involved participating in refurbishing the buildings of an orphanage, and the second, the construction of a sufficient number of sanitation facilities to guarantee impeccable sanitary conditions.