Immersion of artificial nurseries to restore the marine environment of the Gulf of Beauduc in the Camargue Regional Nature Park

With the help of the Foundation, the Park is trialing an innovative system for reconstituting the seabed in the marine reserve recently created to protect the site.

In an unprotected environment, 90% of young fish do not reach adulthood due to predators. These artificial nurseries will improve the chances of juvenile survival in this area, remarkable for its marine flora and fauna. Composed of structures of different sizes and shapes to accommodate the different species to be protected, they have now been immersed and will be monitored for a renewable two-year period to track colonization of the structures by juvenile fish.

This project is beneficial to the natural milieu and also to small-scale fishermen, the aim being to both manage fishery reserves and reconstitute the seabed. By helping finance the purchase of these modular structures and development of the marine reserve to restore this degraded milieu, the Foundation is pursuing its collaboration with the Park, initiated in 2012 to safeguard reproduction of pink flamingo colonies on the Fangassier pond.

This project is part of the program supported by the Foundation aimed at restoring the degraded biodiversity of the Camargue Regional Nature Park. It has beneficial environmental, scientific and socio-economic effects since preservation of the environment goes hand-in-hand with local economic development thanks to the sale of fish raised in these nurseries which will create local income and jobs.


Environment and Biodiversity | France (Bouches-du-Rhône)
Parc Naturel Régional de Camargue