Social and Employment
Badou, Togo
Philippe André
9 000 € to the Selection Committee at 2008/05/27
Project leader
Aidons Badou
« Permettre l'accès au savoir, améliorer les conditions de vie de toute une population et donner leur chance à des étudiants défavorisés est un formidable leitmotiv. Apporter ma contribution à ce projet est pour moi un honneur. Il me tient à cœur de voir ce projet - qui donne une dimension humanitaire à ma vie - aboutir. »
Philippe André
The association Aidons Badou has been active since 2003. Its main objectives are the promotion of education and health: it has conducted campaigns for prevention against AIDS and alcoholism, and accompanied and trained the personnel of the maternity hospital of the little town of Badou, located in the Togo hinterland.
To supplement its action, it started the construction of a media library in 2005. The construction work began in summer of 2006. But the association lacks funds and construction has therefore slowed down considerably. It was necessary to find the budget to complete the masonry works (concrete slab), frames (windows, doors) and all the finishings (electricity, plumbing, painting).
Completing the work in summer of 2008
The target, set for summer 2008, is to be able to provide the population of Badou with a place that is suitable and equipped to improve the educational conditions in the town. To complete the works, considering that the association runs with very few resources and has projects in several areas (science education, health and prevention also), Aidons Badou asked the Veolia foundation to help. The Foundation agreed to participate in financing the door and window frames and the electrical works, underscoring the intense activity of the structure despite its lack of funds.