Humanitarian and Development
Abalak region., Niger
Dominique Héron
3.000 € to the Selection Committee at 2006/01/31
Project leader
At the gates of the desert, in the region between Abalak and Agadez, water is a rare commodity. For the semi-nomadic Tuaregs who live here, access to this fundamental need remains the primary concern, particularly during repeated periods of severe drought, as witnessed in recent years.
Since 1993, the association Orion (Amanar in Tuareg, meaning “Guide”) strives to help these populations to live by developing numerous projects: improved family income, schooling for the children, access to healthcare systems.
A relatively inaccessible resource
In 2006, Orion decided to dig a well to bring water to an encampment where more than 300 families live, about 2500 persons and over 3000 animals. This campsite is located in the depths of an arid zone, in the center-east of the country, in an oasis where all the nomads of the neighboring regions meet. The water, available in sufficient quantities to supply the needs of the men and animals, must nevertheless be found very deep indeed: the well will be dug to a depth of 120 meters!
The 3 000 euros granted to Orion by the Veolia foundation will be used to finance a large part of the digging operations At the same time, the association also plans to help the families rebuild their herds (decimated by the drought of 2004) by buying them six goats for each family.