Environment and Biodiversity
€30,000 to the Selection Committee at 2010/06/22
Project leader
The "Biodiversities" exhibition, inaugurated in Paris in the Trocadéro gardens, will be touring France from the fall of 2010 through the spring of 2011, and will highlight the challenges associated with the conservation of species and ecosystems in urban, rural, Amazonian and aquatic environments, as well as the "invisible" biodiversity.
For its own celebration of 2010, the year of biodiversity, the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) clearly had to do something really big.
The entrance-free show will open its doors to the public of the Paris area from October 19 to 31. Built on an innovative scenography, it will strive to demonstrate science in action: programs of the scientists, additional contributions from specialists in many fields, the context of their research in a national and international setting, the tools they develop and use, etc.
Discovery, but also participation
The entire show is designed to underscore the indispensable interdisciplinarity in the service of biodiversity conservation. Dialogue and interaction with the public will also enjoy a stellar role: from one space to the next, the visitors will learn about the biodiversity of living species, thanks to descriptive panels, picture galleries, film screenings, and also by participating in demonstrations and scientific theme workshops.
The Veolia Foundation has decided to join this major event, by aiding the travelling portion of the exhibition and by organizing an exclusive soirée for Veolia Environnement employees. It has formed a sponsorship committee including Maguy Bourbigot, the sponsor of the project and also project manager at the Veolia Water Pôle Mer Bretagne, and Hervé Suty, director general of the Veolia Environnement Research Centers.
On the whole, the CNRS anticipates an audience of about 50,000 persons, including schoolchildren, young persons, researchers and employees of the major private and institutional partners of this initiative.