Social and Employment
Cayenne, French Guyana, France
Denis Faberes
60.000 € to the Selection Committee at 2006/01/31
Project leader
« The growing urban exclusion in Cayenne makes this project indispensable. Its solidity stems from the wide experience of Samusocial, as well as the involvement of the local manager and the attention paid to each step of the project: budget forecast, studies and schedule… everything demonstrates a structured project that deserves to succeed. »
Denis Faberes
In comparison with metropolitan France, French Guyana suffers a deficiency of health and social amenities. The doctors/population ratio is one-third lower. And yet, the needs couldn’t be greater. Many completely destitute foreigners rub shoulders with inhabitants eking out a precarious existence, often drug addicts besides. Together, they form a population of outsiders for whom no appropriate and comprehensive care system exists today.
The activities of Samusocial de l’île de Cayenne began in July 2004. Since then, during nocturnal sweeps or “raids”, a team consisting of a nurse, a social worker and a driver/interpreter, cruises the city. The goal: to assess the medico-psychosocial situation of the persons found in the streets, to provide them with care where they live, and to create a bond of trust and direct them toward conventional structures. Unfortunately, the team suffers a lack of proper accommodation to perform this mission.
The first link of the outreach chain
Hence the project consists of the construction of a round the clock reception center. It will supplement the work done by the mobile team. This center will accommodate 26 persons. Men and women, lacking medical and social care today, can thus find temporary shelter. They will benefit from meals, access to hygiene (showers, laundry) and medico-social supervision. An indispensable step to favor their return to conventional structures and to place them on the path toward reintegration in the long term.
For its operations, the center, located near the Samusocial headquarters, outside the downtown area, will require the creation of eleven jobs. This large scale project is mobilizing many public, private and associative players, for a total cost of 730 000 euros. The Veolia foundation has contributed 60 000 euros to assist the rapid construction of this indispensable facility.