SUMMER - Latest videos about Veolia Foundation and projects

The latest videos about Veolia Foundation and projects supported.

  • A computer Recycling Project
    Veolia Foundation make old Veolia's computers available to foreign associations or schools than need them. All the equipment is sent to a supplier to clear the data and proceed to any necessary repairs. The project gives these computers a second life, provides work to people who are unemployed and allows Malagasy associations to have access to computers.
  • Veoliaforce is working in Ecuador
    The 16 April earthquake in Ecuador claimed hundreds of victims. French volunteers from the Veolia Foundation and their Ecuadorian colleagues are working on the ground to supply the disaster-stricken communities with drinking water.
  • Fashion accessories from recycled plastic
    Initiatives de Développement Stratégique (IDS) supplies collecting and weaving equipment and training in sales management for the employees of a social and solidarity enterprise in Burkina Faso, PagaBags, which creates fabrics from plastic bags salvaged from household refuse.